The Dark King

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Book: The Dark King by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
seemed to grow under her perusal. Her gaze shot back to his face and she froze.
    It was a purely instinctive action on her part. Something told Taylor if she moved, he'd be on her doing exactly what Pitticus was doing to Cornelius. And she wasn't altogether certain that she would stop him.
    A bellow came from the Pit, echoing around the room. All eyes turned back in time to see Cornelius spill his seed onto the ground. Sweat covered their bodies, the strain showing in every fiber. Pitticus leaned his head back and his fangs appeared to grow even longer than before. His strong hands locked onto Cornelius's trim hips. He thrust twice more, then roared a second before he plunged his fangs into the bound man's neck.
    His whole body shuddered as his hips cradled Cornelius's ass. Pitticus jerked once, his mouth still locked and sucking hard, then he slowly released the warrior and pulled out, his spent cock dripping with their shared juices. Pitticus reached for his sword and slashed the bindings holding Cornelius in place. The other man fell to his knees.
    "Come." Pitticus wiped his bloody mouth with the back of his hand. "I am not nearly finished with you yet."
    Cornelius looked shattered and... besotted .
    Pitticus turned to the King. "I claim Cornelius as my mate from this day forth."
    Hades glanced at Cornelius. "Any objections?"
    The man slowly shook his head.
    "Then your claim is accepted," Hades said. "Go forth and be happy."
    Taylor really wanted to go back to her room now. She needed to be alone, so she could seek her own release. She didn't think she could take anymore 'fights' like this one without embarrassing herself.
    "I don't understand," she said in way of a question.
    Hades glanced at her. "It's simple. In the Pit everyone has a choice to either fuck the loser or kill them. Most fights end in death. In this case, Pitticus and Cornelius have been harboring a 'not-so-secret' attraction for each other, but were both too dominant and stubborn to act upon it. So Pitticus finally sent out a challenge. The fight took care of the dominant question and gave the men the relief they've been wanting for months."
    "What about the venom?" Taylor asked.
    "If used properly, it can work as a numbing agent," Hades said. "Did you think Pitticus fucked him to punish him?"
    "I--." It was about the only syllable she could handle at present. Taylor had thought that and worse. She glanced over at Opal, whose small nipples were showing through her uniform. At least she and Hades weren't the only ones turned on. She was afraid to look in Perseus' direction. The tension in the room changed. Several of the warriors rushed out. She had a pretty good idea what they intended to do.
    "I need to fuck," Hades said like someone saying 'I need a drink'. He looked at Taylor and waited.
    Hades was temptation incarnate. Taylor had thought so the moment she had laid eyes on him. Her body thrummed with the need to say yes. But she couldn't act upon those instincts. Taylor had made many mistakes in her life. Almost all had started with her falling into bed with men too quickly. It gave them the wrong impression. Hell, it gave her the wrong impression.
    There'd already been so many misunderstandings between her and Hades, which had to be a record of some kind, since she'd only arrived a few hours ago. If she accepted the King's unspoken invitation, it would just complicate matters. Worst yet, it would confirm his earlier beliefs about her. And contrary to what he might truly believe, she wasn't a whore.
    She couldn't do it. No matter how bad she wanted to.
    Taylor shook her head, not trusting herself to speak. The definitive movement ended the internal argument she'd been having and gave Hades his answer. This was her chance to start over, begin again, even if that meant giving up something she dearly desired.
    Something dangerous flashed in Hades' eyes before it was carefully suppressed. Without a word, he reached over and grabbed Opal, pulling her to her

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