The Dark King

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Book: The Dark King by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
    "Come!" He hesitated, then glanced at Taylor as if she were an afterthought. "You, too." He glared at Perseus over her shoulder, all but daring him to speak, and waited for her to rise.
    What did he mean by 'her too'? She'd told him no. Okay, so she hadn't actually said the word aloud, but she'd been clear. If he thought she was going to have a threesome with him, he was going to be a very disappointed King. Taylor wasn't sure how it worked here in Monster Kitty land. Just because she was a stripper didn't mean she was a sharer .
    Hades walked away before she could set him straight. Taylor said her goodbyes to Perseus, and reluctantly followed the Dark King into one of the halls leading out of the Pit seating area. They weren't in plain view of the crowd, but they were by no means hidden. Anyone strolling down the hall would come upon them.
    The King pushed Opal against the wall and stripped the lower half of her body bare. She made no move to stop him. Instead she eagerly spread her legs. Hades loosened his pants and pulled his cock out.
    Taylor's mouth dropped open. No wonder Opal spread her legs so quickly. And like a fool, she'd turned him down. Taylor had been with men who were well endowed, but Hades made them seem inconsequential by comparison. He stroked himself, making his shaft harder and longer. She could do nothing but stare in envy.
    There were no prelims. Hades simply positioned the head of his shaft at Opal's opening and parted her with one hard thrust. Taylor froze, suddenly unsure of what to do. A myriad of emotions churned inside of her. None of which were pleasant.
    Why had he asked her to come along? Was he some kind of voyeur? Did he get off on other people watching him? Or had he asked her to follow so he could keep an eye on her?
    Another thought struck, this one far more insidious. Was Hades punishing her because she'd said no?
    Taylor didn't need a babysitter and she certainly wasn't about to volunteer to be an audience of one. If Hades' intent was to punish her, then he had succeeded. She'd seen enough to know that he'd haunt her dreams for the rest of her life. And worst yet, she still wanted the sexy bastard. There had to be something wrong with her.
    She gave the rutting couple one final envious glance, intending to leave. She couldn't watch this, couldn't watch him. Not like this. Their eyes met. Hades' blue gaze trapped her. By sheer force of will, he kept Taylor from moving while he continued to fuck Opal. Taylor felt every thrust, every glide, every brush of his chest. And she hated him for making her want him even more.
    Hades locked gazes with Taylor as he ripped open Opal's clothes to get quick access to her moist sex. And there was no doubt that she was wet. He could smell her ripening. Opal’s aroma wasn't nearly as sweet as the lush scent emanating from Taylor, but the female Earthling had turned him down.
    Him, the King of the Phantoms.
    Despite her rejection, Hades couldn't let Taylor go. He demanded she stay without a word spoken. He wanted Taylor to feel every inch of him filling her . See the need burning inside of him. Taste the raw hunger driving him to fuck another, when all he wanted to do was reach for her.
    It was that shocking realization that had driven him to act rashly. The powerful emotion Taylor had stirred inside of him had felt like a maelstrom, threatening his mooring, tearing apart his carefully constructed foundations. His body had quaked as the beast fought for release and nearly won.
    Panic over the implications of the emotional onslaught coupled with the sting from her rejection had made him choose Opal as a surrogate. It was either that or throw Taylor down in front of the entire arena. Hades knew if he did that, he wouldn't stop until he'd claimed her. And that was something he could not allow. Would not allow. Even with Perseus sniffing around.
    His beast roared inside of him, angry at what he was doing. He told his Other half to shut the

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