Power play

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Book: Power play by Jayne Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Castle
Tags: futuristic romance
gently demanded admittance. His thumb slid upward from her chin to probe insistently at the corner of her mouth until her lips flowered open.
    With a groan of growing passion, Kane was inside, invading her soft inner warmth. Talia felt the uncurling tendril of desire deep in her body and her fingertips crossed the expanse of his chest to the back of his neck. There they began toying with the thickness of his chestnut hair, delighting in its unexpected softness. It was like running her fingers through silky fire.
    On the wall opposite them the last slide to be shown blazed forth to an uncaring audience. The soft whirr of the fan in the slide projector was the only other sound in the room, a backdrop for the gentle cries of longing Kane drew forth from Talia's lips.
    Slowly, inevitably, he eased her back against the cushions until she lay beneath him, pinned by one blue-jeaned leg across her thighs.
    "I could get addicted to the little sounds you make when you start to come alive ABC Amber Text Converter Trial v ersion, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.html
    under my hands," he growled hoarsely into her throat. "And the way your body trembles when I touch you."
    "I didn't intend… I never meant…" Her voice broke off on a sigh as he began unfastening the buttons of her blouse.
    "I know, honey, I know. But I want you so much. I've been wanting you all day. I couldn't get you out of my head!"
    As if to punish her a little for invading his thoughts, Kane nipped sensuously at the tip of her ear. When she tried to turn her head in defense, he encircled her throat with gentle fingers, holding her still. Then he soothed the small wound with the tip of his tongue until she shivered once more beneath hi& weight.
    Her blouse was magically open, freed from the waistband of her slacks before she quite realized what had happened. He lowered his head to kiss the upper swell of her breasts while he unclasped the demicup bra. He caught her fullness lovingly in his hand as the scrap of lacy underwear fell aside.
    Kane's body tautened as Talia's fingers clenched convulsively in his hair, forcing his willing head down a little farther to the tips of her breasts. When he took the nipple of one between his teeth, his hand splaying across her bare stomach, she arched upward, seeking his heat.
    "That's it, honey," he grated huskily. "Give yourself to me. I need you so much tonight. I think I'd go out of my head if I didn't solve the rest of the mystery!"
    She wanted to ask what he meant, but his fingertips were sliding seductively along the waistband of the slacks, searching for the zipper. Her own hands sought the buttons of his plaid shirt. He murmured something inarticulate as she finished the task of opening the garment.
    With a long, satisfied sigh, Talia began creating intimate little paths through the curling red hair. He was irresistible to her tonight, she thought dreamily, and he must have known it. His body lay hard and taut along hers, the bold male bulge beneath his jeans evidence of his desire.
    Some part of her knew she shouldn't be this attracted to a man like Kane Sebastian. But another little voice insisted very loudly that even though he came from the world she resented so fiercely. Kane was different. He had said little after dragging the story of scandal out of her, but she had the impression he believed her side of it. And he was helping her find Justin Westbrook. He obviously felt something for her, she told herself, something as strong as what she was feeling for him. She had been told it could happen like this. Love could strike suddenly and without any warning….
    It became impossible to think rationally as he slipped off her slacks, leaving Talia in only a tiny triangle of lace below her waist. In the glare of the projector light Kane raised his head to study the length of her body with flaring green eyes.
    Slowly he drew his hand from the base of her throat, down across her breasts, and over the gentle curve of

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