Power play

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Book: Power play by Jayne Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Castle
Tags: futuristic romance
her stomach.
    "I feel a little drunk," he admitted in a raw, hungry voice. "You're like a drug for me tonight."
    The exploring hand swept onward as her glowing amber eyes met his in silent acknowledgment of the sensual tension between them. She wanted him, Talia ABC Amber Text Converter Trial v ersion, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.html
    thought. She wanted him to make passionate love to her and afterward she wanted him to hold her and talk about their future.
    When his hand stroked the inner softness of her thigh, her lashes fluttered shut in the ecstatic torment of building desire.
    "Please, Kane…"
    "I will," he promised deeply. "I will."
    And then he was beside her, reaching down to lift her into his arms. Through heavy-lidded eyes she absorbed the passion-etched lines of his fade as he carried her out of the room, pausing only to shut off the projector.
    Into a darkened bedroom he strode, her, body curled heavily against him. She felt as if she were floating when he set her down in the center of the huge, shadowy bed.
    In the moonlight his green eyes glittered with fire as he unbuckled his belt and stepped out of his jeans.
    For a moment he seemed to hesitate by the edge of the bed as if waiting for a sign of her acceptance of him as a lover.
    The thought of Kane Sebastian wanting a little reassurance made Talia smile dreamily, feeding the sense of feminine power she had begun to feel over this man the moment he had agreed to her weak attempt at blackmail. She had proven herself as strong as him, held her own with him and now they could come together as equals. As lovers.
    Silently she opened her arms and he came into them with a fierce rush of hard, grateful, demanding masculinity.
    "Talia! You won't be sorry, sweetheart, I swear it."
    The words came interspersed between a torrent of little scorching kisses. He covered the whole of her body with them, it seemed, compelling her into a twisting, writhing creature of excitement and wonder.
    "Kane! Kane, I want you so badly…"
    She wanted more than that. She wanted to cry out the discovery of her newfound love for him. She wanted to tell him she was his, that she couldn't imagine loving any other man but him now that he had entered her life.
    "You're going to have me, sweetheart," he promised a little savagely, "just as I'm going to have you."
    He slid down her body, trailing the stinging kisses. Gently he forced apart her legs, his rough thighs moving along her silky ones with undisguised pleasure. The kisses reached her stomach and her hips. And then she was trying to catch her breath as she felt his teeth in the most erotic of caresses on the vulnerable flesh of her inner thigh.
    "Please, Kane! Now. I need you now!"
    The words were an aching command, but still he held off, his fingers working magic patterns up her legs to the heart of her femininity. Talia didn't think she could take any more. The incredible arousal was going to drive her out of her mind!
    "Darling Talia," he growled against her skin. "Listen to me. Are you protected?
    Are you… are you safe from pregnancy?"
    She heard the urgency in him and silently shook her head, wondering how she could have ignored something that crucial. What did this man do to her that she ABC Amber Text Converter Trial v ersion, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.html
    couldn't even think straight?
    "No, oh, Kane, no. I'm… I'm sorry…" How did one explain there were no other lovers currently in one's life? That it had been so long since she had thought herself in love…?
    "It's all right, sweetheart," he whispered and she could have sworn there was a thread of satisfaction in his soothing words. "I'll take care of everything."
    He pulled away from her for a moment, fumbling with the drawer of the nightstand.
    He came back to her a moment later, his body harder and more urgent than ever.
    "It's a hell of a temptation not to worry about precautions," he muttered, his fingers fastening themselves in her loosened

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