Finding Acceptance in His Arms

Free Finding Acceptance in His Arms by Thomas Briar

Book: Finding Acceptance in His Arms by Thomas Briar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas Briar
Tags: Romance, Erotic Fiction, Interracial
of you having the courage to embrace who you are as a sexually
mature woman. I’ve found most people are afflicted by that kind of jealousy.”
they treated me like that, I thought they really were my friends.”
completely understand what you’re saying.” E van
nodded. “After they revealed their true selves you felt deceived by them. And
nothing is worse than being deceived by someone who you believe is your
She nodded back. “That’s the worst feeling ever. And now that you’ve mentioned
it, I t hink you might be right in thinking that I was
too sexually mature for them. They certainly didn’t understand my wanting to be
humiliated in sexual situations or my anal fetish.”
do yourself a favor and don’t get back together with them, no matter how much Jennifer tries to get you to. If they didn’t
accept you as you were back then they certainly won’t accept you now. Not
everyone has the ability to accept sexual anomalies in people. And those kinds
of self-righteous individuals usually wax worse i n
their prejudices as they get older.”
you for listening and understanding.”
shrugged, and then presented her with a charming smile. “Don’t give it another
thought. I think you just needed someone to see it from your perspective.
Jennifer can’t see it like you do because it didn’t
happen to her. She still stood up with you against them though. She’s obviously
a good friend, so don’t judge her too harshly. She just doesn’t understand
where you’re coming from.”
do yourself another fav or. Call Jennifer right now
and tell her exactly what you just told me. I’ve found her to be a very
intelligent woman. Maybe this time she’ll understand where you’re coming from
after you explain it from your prospective. Then, once you get your emotional equilibrium back—because misunderstandings between best
friends can affect such things—we can get back to our date.”
picked up on the third ring.
sorry,” Kara blurted into the phone.
sorry too,” Jennifer’s voice cracked.
from there, what should have been only a five-minute
conversation turned into fifteen minutes. Never once did Evan appear impatient
or bored with having to sit idly by for them to get it all talked out.
moment Kara ended the call she beamed her gratitude onto him. “Thank you again for being a true friend to me.”
better now?”
We’re finally on the same page about the incident, although I don’t think she
sees it entirely from my perspective. She thinks the amount of alcohol we all
drank is mostly to blame. I also think she really
misses Sexual Wednesday Nights. After the incident, I refused to participate
any longer.”
countenance brightened. He chuckled. “Well, I can’t really blame her. Because
who wouldn't miss attending a weekly orgy once they dipp ed their tongues in that kind of debauchery? I, for one, would not, could
not, go back to normal Wednesday night after experiencing such a thing. Now I
have two questions I need answered. Where exactly do these girls congregate?
And do I bring my own bottl e or is the liquor
provided free of charge? You and I will definitely not be going out tomorrow
night after all.”
They’d eat you alive, and definitely not in a good way. They believe if women
ruled the world then peace would reign supreme, poverty wou ld no longer exist, and everyone would receive the same
opportunities in life.”
raised his eyebrows, cleared his throat, then abruptly straightened up in his chair. “I want to take you
somewhere and introduce you to something you might appreciate.”
So where are we going and what exactly do you want to introduce me to?”
danced in his eyes. “It’s a surprise so you’ll have to wait and see. All you
need to know right now is there’s absolutely no danger for you in where

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