when I looked over at her again. She didn’t seem hurt.”
    Conner didn’t like it. “Why is her nose bleeding? Did she get hit?” He couldn’t see any bruising or swelling around her face, so couldn’t figure out what the blood was from.
    “Not from any reports I’ve gotten. As a matter of fact, the only one who seemed to be acting odd—before the perp pulled the gun, that is—was Adrienne. More than one person has said she looked sick or drunk or something.”
    Conner looked down at the woman lying against his arm. She was stirring more, and he knew she would be regaining consciousness soon. “Did you talk to her at all?”
    “No. I was too busy making sure our psycho wouldn’t open fire on anyone.”
    Conner felt more movement from Adrienne and watched as her beautiful hazel eyes opened. She looked at him with confusion.
    “Hey.” He smiled at her gently. “Don’t try to move too much. You passed out.”
    Adrienne brought a hand up to her head. “The man was going to attack the woman.”
    “I don’t know exactly what was going to happen, but Seth stopped him. He’s been taken into custody.”
    Adrienne nodded. “Good. That’s good. Can you help me up?”
    Conner noticed some of the color was returning to her face. That was a good sign. He and Seth reached down on either side of her to get her into the chair a few feet away.
    “What happened to you?” Conner asked as she sat down. “Did you get hit or something? You have dried blood under your nose.”
    Adrienne brought her hand self-consciously to her face. “No. Sometimes that just happens. I’m okay.”
    Conner noticed the raised red marks on her wrist. He took her hand away from her face to look at it more closely. Her entire hand was covered by the angry welts, and on some parts there was even blistering.
    “What the hell happened to your hand?” Conner asked, careful not to touch what were obviously burns.
    Adrienne looked down at her arm and hand. “I think I spilled my coffee on myself.”
    “Doesn’t it hurt?”
    Adrienne nodded. “Yes. But up until a few minutes ago, my head hurt much worse, and I kind of forgot about my hand.”
    Seth whistled through his teeth. “I’ll get you a cold compress to put on it.”
    Conner looked at her hand, then her face. “I should take you to the hospital.”
    “No!” Adrienne’s response was vehement. “I’m okay. It hurts, but putting something cold on it will help. I don’t need a hospital. I promise.”
    Conner was torn but decided not to push it. The burns, although painful-looking, were mostly first degree. Even the blisters were clear, suggesting superficial scalding—not anything that would require prolonged medical attention.
    Seth returned in a moment with a bowl of water and a clean washcloth. He then excused himself to go help some uniformed officers finish up with the witnesses.
    Conner took the washcloth and dipped it in the water. It was cold. “Do you mind if I help?”
    Adrienne laid her arm out on the table between them. “Thanks.”
    She sucked in her breath as the wet cloth touched her skin—the water was chilled but not icy, helping to lessen the pain and cease any further burning.
    “Sorry.” Conner grimaced. “I know it has to hurt.”
    “No, the cold feels good. Thanks.” She smiled at him, and Conner was glad to see even more of her color was coming back into her face. She looked almost normal.
    “How did you spill your coffee?”
    “I could...hear the man’s thoughts and they...startled me.”
    Conner noticed her hesitations. Obviously she expected some sort of argument from him about her gifts.
    To be honest he didn’t know how he felt about her special skills. When he had gotten her phone call a little while ago, he could tell immediately that something was wrong. Dangerously wrong.
    As soon as she had said she needed help, he had gotten Seth on the other line. Conner hadn’t questioned, hadn’t hesitated—just knew she needed him and had

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