NocC 025 - Caridad Pineiro - Her Vampire Lover - Harlequin 2012-10

Free NocC 025 - Caridad Pineiro - Her Vampire Lover - Harlequin 2012-10 by Nocturne

Book: NocC 025 - Caridad Pineiro - Her Vampire Lover - Harlequin 2012-10 by Nocturne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nocturne
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
blood, Sonja. I knew I had to learn in hopes you would come back.”
    “I love you enough to take the risk, Gregori.”
    She kissed him again and desire rose up swiftly as it did with her. He tempered his need to join with her, taking his time, building her passion. He savored every nuance of her response in a way he could not before because now he knew one thing: Love had tamed the vampire and brought him the happiness he had once thought impossible. As long as they had love, nothing could drive them apart.

If you enjoyed this story, don’t miss more of Caridad Piñeiro’s sultry paranormal romances available now in ebook format:
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Nocturnal Whispers
The Vampire’s Consort
Night of the Cougar
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    Darkness Calls
Danger Calls
Temptation Calls
Death Calls
Devotion Calls
Blood Calls
Holiday with a Vampire , “Fate Calls”
Fury Calls
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    A Vampire for Christmas, “When Herald Angels Sing”
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    Aztec Gold
The Fifth Kingdom

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Reawakened Passions by Megan Hart
Incubus Wolf by Bonnie Vanak
Moonspun by Michele Hauf
Dark Hunter’s Touch by Jessa Slade
Forbidden by Fate by Kristin Miller
The Darkling’s Surrender by Lauren Hawkeye
Night of the Cougar by Caridad Piñeiro
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ISBN: 978-14592-4228-9
    Her Vampire Lover
    Copyright © 2012 by Caridad Piñeiro Scordato
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