Sienna & Jacob: A Bioexpa Match

Free Sienna & Jacob: A Bioexpa Match by Thayer King

Book: Sienna & Jacob: A Bioexpa Match by Thayer King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thayer King
chair for her. They still didn’t have a couch. The only seating was in the kitchen.
    He began to pace in front of her. Running a hand over his hair, he said, “We’ve talked a lot about the past, my tennis career, and even Ella, but we’ve haven’t discussed what either of us expects from marriage. So tell me, what do you want from me as a husband?”
    Sienna blinked at the sudden inquiry. She sensed insecurity beneath his question. But that was ridiculous. As far as she was concerned he was the perfect man. He was kind and considerate. He was confident without being an aggressive jerk. His strength was of the quiet variety. He didn’t say much, but he was the most dependable person she had ever known.
    She’d never completely gotten over her crush on him in high school. In fact, when filling out her questionnaire at Bioexpa, she’d found herself describing him when asked to list some traits of her perfect mate.
    “Jakob, you’re everything I want in a husband,” she said, recalling him giving her similar words.
    “You’re sure? Because tonight it was as if I didn’t exist.”
    She inhaled. He was jealous. Of Liam. “Jakob, I’m not interested in Liam. I was just being polite. He’s handsome, but being around him for any length of time would be exhausting.”
    A slow smile curled his lips. He crouched down in front of her and took her hands. Sienna realized that he’d touched her more tonight than he had the entire time they’d been living together. “I thought the same thing, but you seemed so entranced by him.”
    “More like I couldn’t get away from him. He never shuts up,” she added with feeling.
    Jakob laughed. So quickly that she didn’t have time to tense up or anticipate it, he cupped her face and kissed her. She’d barely had a moment to appreciate the fullness of his lips before he pulled back. Still her breath faltered and her heart began to gallop in excitement. From the surprised expression on his face, she could tell that the kiss had been a spontaneous move on his part. But then his eyes darkened until they were practically onyx.
    Lowering his lips to hers once more, he moved slowly, giving her plenty of opportunity to deny him. Sienna lifted her mouth to his eagerly. She curled her fingers around his neck. His bottom lip fell below hers. Her clit pul sed as he sank his teeth into her lip before pulling it into his mouth for a gentle suck. She couldn’t contain the moan that escaped her throat.
    Jakob’s tongue swept into her mouth. The kiss quickly grew hot and demanding. The strength of it forced her back into the chair as Jakob stood over her plundering the depths of her mouth over and over. His curls wrapped around her fingers as she clenched her hands in his hair.
    When she sucked on his tongue he groaned and straightened away from her with an abrupt jerk. His lips were red and slightly puffy. His breathing was rough as he stared down at her. Standing before her, she was at eye level with a very impressive erection. Sienna bit her lip to hold in a moan.
    “Sienna…” His voice was deeper than usual and full of gravel. He stopped and cleared his throat. “Sienna, I don’t want to rush you, but would you like to…I mean, I’d understand if you wanted to wait and I wouldn’t presume to think that just because we’re married that you would-”
    She smiled as she perceived that in his rambling way he was asking her if she wanted to make love with him. “Yes,” she said, interrupting him when he would have continued.
    He sighed. “Thank God.” He held out his hand to her.
    She placed her palm in his and followed him to the bedroom. Before she could grow nervous about becoming intimate with him, he kissed her again. Her thoughts scattered as she responded to him. He gripped her waist and tugged her close. But not close enough. She cuddled closer until his erection was rubbing against her belly. He moaned into her mouth and his hands tightened on her before circling around

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