Spearwood Academy Volume One (The Spearwood Academy Book 1)

Free Spearwood Academy Volume One (The Spearwood Academy Book 1) by A.S. Oren

Book: Spearwood Academy Volume One (The Spearwood Academy Book 1) by A.S. Oren Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.S. Oren
    I put my hand on the knob, and the beep sounds from the other side. Walking into the room and closing the door behind me, I let out a breath. It’s not even noon here, and I’m already emotionally drained.
    I walk over to one of the white loveseats, take the black card out of my back pocket, and hold it out on my hand. It flies through the air, taking her shape. “How may I assist you, Miss Clementine?” she asks before bowing.
    I take a seat and stare at her. She looks so human, and, yet, she can fold up into a business-sized card in a matter of seconds. It doesn’t seem possible . . . many things that have happened today shouldn’t seem possible, but they still happened.
    “No need to be so formal. You can call me Avalon, and there is no need to bow.”
    She seems surprised by my request and almost bows but catches herself. “I understand.”
    “Do you know what time it is in Bellingham, Washington?” I ask.
    She goes silent for a moment, and her eyes move back and forth. “It is six in the morning.”
    “Edgar shouldn’t be out on the Orchard yet. Can you please call my home phone? I would like to talk to my father.”
    “Of course.”
    She goes silent again before a dial tone rings throughout the room. I’m not sure where it comes from: her or the room.
    “I made it to the school in one piece.”
    “Avvi! Do yau like it?”
    “It’s big.” I’m not going to tell him about the fight or the fact that the locket is broken.
    “Yeah? Do yau have yaur own dorm?”
    “Yes, I basically have an apartment to myself. No one can come in unless I let them, and I can’t have anyone in my room.”
    “Good. Yau doin’ all right?”
    I try to smile. I know he’ll be able to hear my unhappiness otherwise. “Yeah, I’m fine, Ed. It’ll just take time to get used to their way of life here. It’s worlds apart from the Orchard.”
    “I see. Well, I need to get out to the Orchard and start work with the Hands. Call mi if yau need anything. I love yau.”
    “I love you too.”
    The line goes dead. Edgar is a man of few words. I’m lucky I got that long of conversation with him over the phone. Even though it was short, just being able to talk to him was enough to relax my racing heart and give me courage to continue learning about this strange, violent place.


    I pick at my penne in garlic sauce with roasted cherry tomatoes. I had been hungry before the food got here. The guys at the table next to us talk, not caring that I’m right here.
    “Did you see what that girl did today in the courtyard?”
    “I was there. It was epic. She practically tore Mirren apart.”
    “I guess we have to watch our backs with her?”
    “Yeah, she might kill someone next.”
    I stab a noodle with my fork. The table flinches and glances over at me. Shouldn’t they have better manners?
    “Don’t pay any attention to them, Fire. They’re just a couple of douche bags, which have no business being around a lady!” Dante yells, causing the table to stand and move. Now, we’re the only ones up in the loft.
    I peer over the iron fence down at Mirren. He sits alone, attacking his bloody steak with verve. I wince when his eyes meet mine. He’s not glaring though. No anger shows in his eyes. I don’t understand. I gaze back at my plate. I can’t believe I curse a guy on my first day. That shouldn’t be possible.
    Thunder cracks outside. I jump. “I thought the weather was always beautiful around here?”
    The guys all shrug. “Not always. Sometimes they let in the natural storms and stuff. Sometimes it’s nice to have a thunderstorm,” Triton says.
    The tension that had plagued all of them this morning has gone. I don’t know what was with all of them, but I guess they reached an agreement over whatever they didn’t like.
    The moon’s pull inches over me by the second. I don’t have very long. I glance around the table. They’re almost done eating; perhaps I can

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