
Free Surrender by Amanda Quick

Book: Surrender by Amanda Quick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Quick
thought you did not approve of the sort of thing we did tonight.”
    “I will admit I was astonished initially at your boldness and daring, but I have since recovered myself and it has occurred to me that nights spent with you will be far more amusing than any I might spend at my clubs or in the company of the boring young ladies on the marriage mart,” Lucas assured her.
    She hesitated, but she could feel herself slipping over the edge of a very high cliff. “It must be our secret,” she cautioned. “No one must ever know. If my aunt discovered what I was doing, she would be beside herself with worry. Nor could I allow her to be publicly humiliated by my actions. She has been too good to me and I owe her more than I can ever repay.”
    “Your secrets will be safe with me. You have my word,” Lucas agreed.
    She believed him then. Victoria knew without any need for proof that this man’s word was his bond. He would not gossip in the clubs or the drawing rooms. He would not treat her with anything more than proper courtesy at the routs and soirées where they would meet socially. “Oh, Lucas, I would so love to explore the night with you.”
    He brushed his mouth against hers. “Say yes, Victoria. Say you will take what I am offering.”
    “I must think about it. This is such an important decision. I must have time to reflect properly on it.”
    “May I call upon you and your aunt tomorrow? You can give me your final decision then.”
    She drew a deep breath, knowing this was the start of it. “You do not waste any time, my lord.”
    “I have never been the type to waste time.”
    “Very well. You may call upon us.” She tightened her arms briefly around his neck, already knowing what her final answer would be. Then she released him, feeling abruptly nervous and even a little shy. She glanced up at the darkened windows of the house. “I must go in. And you must hurry back to the Lyndwoods’ carriage. They will be wondering what has happened to you.”
    “I will simply tell them there was some difficulty getting over the garden wall,” he said casually.
    He bowed gracefully over her hand. When he raised his head, the moonlight revealed his faint, slashing smile. And then he turned, strode to the wall, and unerringly found the hidden toeholds. In another moment he had vanished into the night. Victoria hesitated a moment longer, wondering just what she had done, and then she let herself into the dark conservatory.
    Some time later she lay awake thinking there had been far too much satisfaction and triumph in Stonevale’s parting smile.
    I mean to court you, woo you, seduce you
    She would have to tread warily, Victoria told herself, but she could deal with her midnight lord. She would learn to handle him because she had no choice; she couldnot resist what he was offering. She needed what he was offering.
    For the first time in many months, Victoria enjoyed an untroubled sleep.
    Ten minutes after making his exit from the garden, Lucas alighted from the Lyndwoods’ carriage, said his good nights, and stalked up the front steps of the town house he had recently inherited. His butler, who, along with the rest of the small staff had been engaged for Lucas by Jessica Atherton, opened the door.
    “Send everyone to bed, Griggs. I have some matters to attend to in the library,” Lucas ordered.
    “Very good, my lord.”
    Lucas walked into the library, which contained the few good pieces of furniture that were left in the house, and poured himself a liberal measure of port. His damned leg was aching again. All that idiotic running about at the fair followed by climbing that damned garden wall had set it off.
    He swore silently and took a long swallow of the port, knowing from past experience it would ease the dull throb in his upper thigh.
    It was not just his leg that ached. Another part of him was left throbbing as a result of the garden meeting with Victoria. He could still feel the softness of her as he crushed

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