Affair of Honor

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Book: Affair of Honor by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
“No, you won’t be going anywhere tonight.” Then he shook his head once in amused bafflement. “A professor of philosophy. How could I have possibly guessed?”
    “Guessed what?” she prompted curiously, enjoying the soothing touch of his fingers across her brow.
    She wriggled beneath him contentedly.
    “That I’d find the woman I wanted and needed, the one who understood about things like honor and the one who was capable of sending me out of my head with desire, on the faculty of some small college of which I had never heard. Hell, Brenna,” he added with a wry chuckle deep in his throat. “I finished college in the Marine Corps, and I can assure you there wasn’t much attention paid to subjects like ethics and philosophy!”
    “A limited education?”
    “A practical education,” he corrected with a small grin. He lowered his head for another nibbling kiss, drawing back with some reluctance. “Are you happy with the results of your seductive techniques tonight, lady?” he taunted lightly.
    “I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me,” she murmured, drawing inviting little circles on his upper arms.
    “Well,” he retorted deliberately, “I suppose it doesn’t much matter whether or not I manage to drag a confession out of you. It’s done. You’re mine.”
    Brenna thought about that, aware of the determination in him and not quite comprehending his full meaning. He was a possessive man, it would seem. And tonight he possessed her. She didn’t want to think any further than that.
    “Don’t go to sleep on me, witch,” he drawled humorously as her lashes lowered to her cheeks. “That first time was to settle the issue. Now that it’s settled, I’m going to take the time to make a good impression.”
    Her mouth curved. “Is that a threat?”
    “Just try to stay awake so you can applaud the performance, okay?”
    He shaped her head with his fingers and lowered his mouth once more to hers. This time his kiss was slow and lingeringly passionate as he set about stoking the banked fires back to shimmering brightness.
    Ryder took his time, as promised, moving over her languid body with finesse and an arousing strength that pushed aside the remnants of earlier passion and set about creating a new experience. She was stroked from breast to thigh, teased with sensitive fingers that knew exactly where to tempt and tantalize.
    And his kisses, she thought deliriously, his kisses were a sweet ravishment. He poured them without restraint across the roundness of her breasts, dropped them delicately onto the softness of her stomach, and branded them into the exquisitely tender skin of her inner thighs. Brenna had temporarily lost herself in his arms the last time. This time she thought she might never find her way back out.
    When he came to her at last, enveloping her in his warmth, she never gave another thought to the prospect of being permanently lost. He flowed into her body and across it and there was no way she could have resisted. This time, when the shimmering conclusion approached, she gave herself up to it without any fear at all, welcoming the flames of surrender in the safety of Ryder’s arms.
    When it was over he turned her gently on her side, pulled her tightly into the curve of his glisteningly damp body, and ordered her to sleep in the softest of whispers.
    “Ryder, I feel like I’m floating.”
    “So do I. Go to sleep, lady.”
    “Because that’s what I’m going to do and I can’t bear the thought of you lying awake staring at the ceiling while I’m snoring blissfully!”
    “Oh, dear. Do you snore?” She chuckled.
    “It’s a little late to worry about it. Tonight you’ve agreed to take the good with the bad.” He yawned, nestling his head against hers.
    “Tonight’s almost over, Ryder,” she pointed out wistfully.
    “There’s tomorrow to look forward to. Good night, sweet lady.”
    “Good night, Prince Charming.”
    He laughed

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