Fire for Effect

Free Fire for Effect by Kendall McKenna

Book: Fire for Effect by Kendall McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendall McKenna
Tags: gay romance, military
    “If I told you that we have good reason to believe that one of the Marines who was there, one of the Marines who has given testimony regarding Restrepo’s worthiness for the Medal of Honor, has been lying about the events of that day, would you suspect your platoon sergeant?” Jonah’s question was carefully worded and quietly asked.
    Corey stared hard at Jonah for several interminable moments. “No,” he finally answered. “No, I wouldn’t suspect Staff Sergeant Gilman of lying. I would expect that he’s told the truth as he knows it to be.”
    “That’s an interesting distinction,” Kellan said without thinking.
    “The fog of war can affect our perceptions,” Corey responded placidly. “Combat is chaotic by nature. Just because someone is present at a particular battle doesn’t mean he has firsthand knowledge of every detail. When you were snatched in Diyala, Kellan, I didn’t know who had been dragged into the Range Rover. I just knew it was an American and I was damn well gonna fight.”
    “And I’ve never gotten to say thank you for slowing them down long enough for Jonah to be able to track their retreat,” Kellan said. “How’s your head these days?”
    Corey’s fingers lifted to his temple in what looked like an unconscious gesture. “I have a pretty good scar but beyond that, I healed up fine.”
    “I’m glad to hear that,” Kellan said and turned back to watch the kids climbing the simulated rock wall. Corey would probably be more candid with Jonah than he would with Kellan.
    “What does the platoon think of Gilman in general?” Jonah asked.
    “He’s pretty well respected,” replied Corey. “He knows his shit. He’s no Jonah Carver, though.”
    Jonah made an obscene sound. “Is he the kind of Marine who would lie to cover for another Marine?”
    “If by cover you mean deflect blame onto himself to protect a Marine in his command, it’s possible,” said Corey. “If by cover you mean lying to hide something wrong another Marine did, I doubt it.”
    There was silence and Kellan suspected Jonah had found out what he wanted to know. Minutes later, the conversation became about who was competing, what their chances were, and reminiscing about their time together in Diyala Province.
    The day turned fun and relaxing. By the time the winner of the Challenge was announced, Corey seemed as comfortable with Kellan as he did with Jonah, even if his eyes shined just a little brighter when he looked at Jonah.
    When Kellan announced he was ready to head to the hotel, Jonah shook Corey’s hand again.
    “We’ll get a beer before I have to leave,” he said, gripping Corey’s shoulder one last time before he stepped away.
    “I’d like that, Jonah,” Corey said, seeming at peace finally. “Talk to you later, Kellan.”
    “Have a good night, Corey.” Kellan made sure Corey was out of sight before he slid his hand into the back pocket of Jonah’s jeans.
    § § §
    “Staff Sergeant Trent Gilman?” Jonah asked as the Marine entered the small office where they were conducting the interviews.
    “That’s correct, First Sergeant Carver,” Gilman replied. He shook Kellan’s hand firmly when Jonah introduced him.
    Since they were interviewing NCOs, all of whom Jonah outranked, they decided Jonah would ask the questions. It was likely to feel less confrontational that way, which meant they could possibly get more truthful answers.
    “We’re not rehashing Sergeant Restrepo’s worthiness for the Medal of Honor,” Jonah explained. “We’re investigating why a Marine so obviously worthy has been denied the Medal twice, despite the public support.”
    “I’ll admit, Top, I don’t like my testimony being disregarded like it has been,” Gilman said candidly as they all three settled into chairs.
    “I don’t blame you,” Jonah commiserated. “I wouldn’t either.” He scrolled through a document on the screen of his tablet. “Just walk me through the events, from beginning

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