The Real Mason

Free The Real Mason by Julia Devlin

Book: The Real Mason by Julia Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Devlin
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
need at his feet. Somehow he managed to push every sexual button she’d ever repressed and buried deep inside her.
    Love swelled in her chest as boundaries she’d never known existed between them dissolved, leaving behind nothing but raw truth and naked, blazing desire.
    She only hoped she’d survive.
    Her muscles shook in effort to hold her position. She didn’t understand how this worked but the more she obeyed, the more he challenged, the hotter she got.
    He smirked down at her. “Are you motivated, girl?”
    She shivered. She was beginning to love when he called her that—girl—the way he said it, in that voice. That hard, low tone made her want to throw herself at his mercy and beg him to take her. She swallowed hard. “Yes, Mason.”
    A sharp nod. “Good. Put your hands at your sides and swirl your tongue over the tip of my cock like you mean it.” A cool, controlled once-over that sent fire racing through her veins. “If I’m not satisfied, we’ll continue to adjust your motivation.”
    Her arms trembled as she lowered them. Her nipples burned as she leaned forward, the unexpected sting making her wince.
    He chuckled. “Hurts, doesn’t it?”
    It did. But the pain kept getting messed up in her brain, morphing into high-octane pleasure. There was something wrong with liking this but her body didn’t care about semantics. All it cared about was the demand for satisfaction.
    “Now, girl.”
    The command refocused her attention. She sucked in the musky scent of him, studying his large erection. The reddened tip. That steely length. She was going to do her level best to follow his instructions.
    Her lips quirked—with the proper enthusiasm, of course.
    She closed her eyes and swirled her tongue over the tip of his cock. The silky skin was hot. Smooth as silk but very hard. Using his example of an ice-cream cone, she licked over the slit, around the sides and back over the top.
    It occurred to her, since the moment she’d arrived on the doorstep, this whole evening had been about her. Her comfort. Her feelings. Her satisfaction. She’d done nothing but take and now she had the opportunity to give something in return.
    She intended to lavish him with the attention he deserved.
    Her tongue slid along the mushroom head.
    A low growl filled the room and his hand tangled in her hair. Pleasure at pleasing him, at making him moan, gave her the confidence she needed and she doubled her efforts.
    She licked. Swirled. Ran her tongue up and down his length.
    When she flicked her tongue along the slit, she felt his thigh muscles tense along her shoulders.
    It excited her.
    She scooted forward, the clamps stinging her nipples as her breasts swayed.
    A low groan from above.
    It was too much. Lust kicked into high gear.
    Growing ever bolder, she flattened her tongue along the underside of his cock.
    “Fuck.” A guttural, gravelly sound, his legs jerked. “That’s right, girl. Very nice.”
    The praise was like flicking a match on gasoline to her already overheated blood.
    She tried harder. Craving that encouragement. Needing his approval. His hips flexed. His cock jerked against her lips.
    And she just kept getting hotter and hotter.
    She licked him like a porn star. Teased. Tempted. Did everything in her power to rouse him to the same fevered pitch afflicting her.
    Shameless, greedy desire grew to volcanic proportions.
    Thought ceased. She sucked the tip in her mouth, moving down his length to engulf him. Just like the women she’d dismissed in those books, she became a slave to his pleasure.
    Loving. Adoring. Desperate for the taste of him.
    “Jesus Christ.” He tugged at the chain on her nipples and a sharp, searing pain radiated from the abused tips. She sucked in air through her nose as her inner core clamped.
    Yes, yes, yes. She wanted more. Needed more.
    He tugged again.
    It inflamed her. She sucked harder. Drew him in deeper. Raised on her knees, she cupped him and feasted on him like a glutton.
    His balls

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