Meeting Mr. Mogul: A Billionaire Contemporary Romance

Free Meeting Mr. Mogul: A Billionaire Contemporary Romance by Mel Ryle

Book: Meeting Mr. Mogul: A Billionaire Contemporary Romance by Mel Ryle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mel Ryle
the room. I went to the couch and ran my fingers along its velvety surface. In front of it was a huge plasma screen television. It must’ve been the living room.
    “Are these mine?” I whispered.
    “Yes. Ms. Maxwell wanted to give you some furniture so that the place won’t be empty. She also ordered me to tell you that they’re part of a loan, in case you start to argue and refuse,” he replied sternly, his voice close behind me.
    I turned to face him. “Thank you. And please tell Ms. Maxwell that I’m grateful for all of this,” I said softly.
    “It’s my pleasure, Ms. Peterson,” he replied with a nod and smiled, “Oh. You can personally tell Ms. Maxwell this afternoon. She asked me to inform you that you are invited to a dinner event at the mansion. If you plan to refuse—yet again—because you don’t have anything to wear, she has prepared a dress for you. You can find it in your bedroom on top of the bed,” he added with a smile.
    I clumsily opened and closed my mouth because I could not come up with a retort. How someone I met recently could know the way I think, I had no idea. A few people have told me that I’m an open book, but was I really that easy to read? I looked at Kevin for a moment and sighed in defeat. He chuckled in response and pointed to a door on the left side.
    As I headed towards the bedroom, I made a quick observation of the apartment. On the right side of the room was the kitchen. It had a small island counter, situated across the stove and sink, which was made of marble. The dining table, located a few paces away, wasn’t made of any old, ordinary wood. I’ve never seen wood that was well polished before.
    When Kevin opened the door of the bedroom, I stood outside with my eyes wide open. The room looked like it came straight out of a lifestyle magazine. After I finished marveling the room, my eyes spotted a light beige knee-length chiffon dress neatly placed near the edge of the bed.
    I slowly walked towards the dress then held it up in front of me with a careful hand. The hem of the dress gently dropped down as I moved it towards my body. I was trying to imagine how it would look like once I wore it.
    “...I’ll pick you up at five in the afternoon. Here is my number if you need anything else.” Kevin’s voice resurfaced as I turned towards him, regaining my senses.
    “Thank you,” I said softly and grabbed the calling card he offered.
    “Are you alright?” he asked as he looked at me worriedly.
    “I’m fine, I think. I just need to breathe,” I said softly as I took a huge intake of breath, closing my eyes in concentration. “What have I gotten myself into?” I whispered in disbelief. I tried to wrap my head around the things that happened today, but I was too overwhelmed. Everything was happening too fast. However, since I haven’t passed out yet, I will try to go with the flow—for now.
    Kevin chuckled at my response before he walked out of the room with the rest of the movers. When the door finally closed, and I was left alone, it finally dawned on me that I might have sold myself to the devil.

    After unpacking what little things I had, I got out of the apartment and went straight to the hospital to tell my dad about what happened. Because I didn’t know how to get there, I decided to ask the receptionist. She was kind enough to give me directions and even told me which bus to take to get to my new workplace. For some reason, she wasn’t fazed once she found out where I worked.
    When I reached the hospital, it was already past one in the afternoon. That meant I had at least three hours to kill before Kevin would pick me up for this evening’s event. I entered my father’s room and brought him up to date about everything that happened that day. He chuckled at my expression as I described the apartment. I was glad that he wasn’t as freaked out about it as I was.
    The three hours went by so fast that I was slightly disappointed to

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