Without Boundaries
the back of her neck and caressing her bottom lip with my thumb. Her breath catches and her eyes flutter closed. That is almost my undoing. Instead of losing control I make a confession in only a whisper.
“I was so excited to hear from you Bailey, I couldn’t be happier that you’re here. Please don’t think any more about it. I just want you to relax and enjoy your weekend. Now can you please finish my bread?” I smile when she opens her eyes and laughs at me.
“Yes sir. Let me get right on that!” She scrunches up her nose and steps right around me to finish up the batter.
“So what’ll it be? Coffee or tea?”
“Definitely coffee!”
“Definitely, huh?”
“Yup! I’m a coffee girl and I haven’t had any yet today, which must be some kind of record!” she chuckles at her own wit.
“Ah. I’m sorry about that, I kind of got distracted this morning and I didn’t offer to stop at all for you. I’m an ass. Sorry.” I turn to look at her but she doesn’t turn around; she just keeps pouring the batter into the respective pans. So I continue with making her coffee thinking the whole time only of how he has hurt her which is what kept my mind so preoccupied I didn’t even think to make a pit stop for her.
“Don’t worry about it,” she says, giving me a sweet smile. “I’m going to go jump in the shower while this bakes. It has a couple hours in there yet, so you won’t have to do anything with it.” She removes her apron and wipes her hands clean before turning to go out of the kitchen. “Hey Talon?” she asks just asks she reaches the staircase.
“Thank you. I know you didn’t have to bring me along, but I appreciate it.” She looks worried or concerned. I don’t want this girl to ever look anything but happy.
“It’s my pleasure Bailey. Take your time, start your vacation and relax.” She smiles a little bigg er then proceeds up the stairs.

This weekend is going to kill me. When I called Talon this morning I was so focused on getting out and away from my life that I didn’t bother thinking about the fact that he and I had a major attraction between us. We will now have to be fighting that attraction all weekend. And I made it that much more difficult by inadvertently securing time alone with him tonight and most of the day tomorrow.
I was surprised when he accepted so easily the fact that I didn’t want to talk about my bruises. He was visibly upset about it and I don’t blame him. I know he doesn’t know for sure that my boyfriend is the one who did it but I’m aware that he most likely assumes. I just don’t know how to tell him that his assumption is correct.
I opt for a really hot shower to try and relax my tense, sore muscles and to take a few minutes to figure out how I’m going to talk to Talon about this. The more I think about it the further away from a solution I become. I’m upset that I’ll have to discuss this at all with him, it’s embarrassing and uncomfortable. I am also getting super pissed the more I think about it. How does this fantastic guy come into my life at the absolute worst time? I was boyfriend-less for the majority of my adult life. Then, the one guy I decide to hand over my heart to destroys it. Now my heart is unavailable to the one guy I truly feel it belongs to. Perfect.
Once out of the shower and dressed I decide I don’t really want to get ready. So I throw my wet hair up in a messy bun, put face makeup on to cover the ugliness, and my must-have mascara. That’s it. Now I need coffee.
I go out into the hall to find Talon standing at the double doors at the end of the hall opposite the staircase. One door is propped open and I can see it leads out to a balcony.
“Feel better?” he asks sincerely.
“Yes I do, thank you.” I don’t think the dang butterflies will ever stop fluttering when I get around him.
“Good. Do you want to join me out on the balcony for a bit? I have your coffee...” He’s

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