Elite Metal-ARE-epub

Free Elite Metal-ARE-epub by Jennifer Kacey Page B

Book: Elite Metal-ARE-epub by Jennifer Kacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Kacey
down and gamble a little bit, peaches. Maybe get a bit better acquainted with our new friends. And I left something on the bed for you to wear tonight.”
    She couldn’t control the shocked expression, or the smile lifting her lips. “You did?” She wasn’t Vera Reid in that moment. She was Alayna Devlin, staring at the man she already craved.
    “Yes I did. Can’t wait to see it on. Red is so hot.”
    Biting her lip she tried to remind herself of the mission. The goal. She leaned over and kissed, Steele.  “Thank you,” she whispered only loud enough for him to hear. “See you later, boys.” She gave them all a little finger wave and turned to go. As she sashayed away she heard Steele say, “You boys said you gamble? How about a little friendly wager?”

    Chapter Seven
    “Alayna. Come on.” Steele knocked on the bathroom door. “We’ve got to get going.”
    “Almost ready. One more second.”
    He paced to the other side of their small suite and back again. After another circuit, he asked himself for the millionth time if he could go through with the next step in the plan. Seeing a naked Alayna on that kid’s lap earlier had been the most arousing and frustrating moment of his life. Part of him was proud to have such a sexy woman claiming to be his, while the other part was ready to kill the four little fuckers. They were so green, there were about ready to jizz themselves just by watching her breathe.
    Fuck, even he had been ready to come as he spied her removing her top from his lookout spot. And now they were about to enter a club where sex was not only expected, but encouraged. If it were just the two of them, as Steele and Alayna, he’d be all for it. But it wasn’t just them. They were going in to find a traitor—the man responsible for selling out his team.
    “Get Korovin. Go home. Get Korovin. Go… fuck,” slipped out as a vision of red stepped out from the bathroom.
    They were so screwed. How was he supposed to concentrate while she wore the corset he’d bought her that lifted her tits so high, he was certain that if she sneezed, her nipples would pop out? She wore a skirt, well, he thought she wore a skirt. At the moment she could have been wearing a hula skirt for all he knew as his attention was glued to the shelf of boobs spilling from her top.
    “Can you help me?” she asked and turned around. She had pinned her hair into a low bun, leaving the expanse of her back above the corset bare. “I can’t get this tied right.”
    “Be happy to help, Mrs. Reid.”
    He pulled and knotted the ropes of her corset. Once done, he couldn’t resist cupping the generous mounds from behind. He bit at her shoulder, wanting his mark on her before they left their room.
    “Steele. Stop.” She latched onto his wrists. “We can’t.”
    “Why not?” He loved it when she fell back against him.
    No. He did not love. He liked it. He liked it when she melted.
    “Because you said we had to go.”
    “Damn you for throwing my words back at me.” He spun her around. “Are you done with your make-up?”
    “Too bad.” He covered her mouth with his, tasting her lips until she wilted against him in surrender.
    He slid his hands around her slender waist, made even tinier by the bindings of her corset. She was so small, so curvy, so fragile. He couldn’t release her. His blood was on fire for this woman. Never had he been so completely caught off guard by the desire to protect, to keep her close.
    At the mission’s onset he told himself kissing her would mean nothing, it was just a part of their cover, but who the hell was he kidding. She’d already gotten under his skin in the worst way.
    Each grinding movement of her body against his was about to send him over the edge as his pulse hammered hard, echoing in his ears. He was going to take this woman, he so badly wanted. Everything male in him was lit like a match to a flame with need. He needed to feel her wet heat swallowing

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