Elite Metal-ARE-epub

Free Elite Metal-ARE-epub by Jennifer Kacey

Book: Elite Metal-ARE-epub by Jennifer Kacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Kacey
garment free, she dropped it into the bag by her chair then withdrew a bottle of suntan lotion. A quick glance from the corner of her eye confirmed she captured the attention of the group. At the same languid pace, she shot a stream of lotion into her palm, then smoothed the cream onto her naked breasts.
    Target captured.
    The four men made a beeline for their cabana and a fist fight almost broke out to determine who got to sit closest.
    Once they settled into their seats, she reclined and posed as if she were resting while the boys spoke in Russian, discussing in vulgar terms the different ways they wanted to fuck her.
    She glanced at them with a smile that was a bit more teeth than she probably meant to show. “It is not polite to speak of all the dirty things you want to do to me without even introducing yourselves.”
    Their conversation came to a sudden halt and they turned to her with mouths open in surprise.
    “You speak Russian?” asked the one she recognized from photos as Laskin.
    “ Ya. My mother and father are from Odessa. Where are you from?”
    “Moscow.” He gestured to his friends. “All from Moscow.”
    “Hmmm.” She nodded. “And you live in the States now?”
    “No. We are here to celebrate.”
    “Sorry it took me so long, sweetheart,” Steele said as he appeared next to her chaise with a tall pink drink in his hand. “You know how my business calls can get out of hand.”
    Now it was her turn for her eyes to bulge out of their sockets as she drank in the perfection of a shirtless Steele in tight black swim trunks and glistening with sweat. Those damn nipple rings glinted in the sunlight, just begging to be tugged between her teeth until she drove him crazy with lust.
    Thank goodness she had her sunglasses in place, to hide her reaction as she turned away from him with a huff. “I thought you forgot about me. Luckily these men arrived to keep me company.”
    “Sorry, peaches.” He sat beside her on the lounge and kissed her cheek. “I brought you back those fruity drinks I know you love.”
    “Thanks, baby.” She took the drink, palming the tiny beacon he also handed to her and settled the wet glass between her breasts. “Ah, that is so refreshing.”
    “You’re such a tease,” Steele murmured under his breath. “Who are your friends?”
    “I don’t know. They’re being coy and won’t tell me.” She set her glasses on top of her head to pout prettily up at Laskin, but his wide-eyed stare was latched onto Steele. She couldn’t blame him. The man was impressive after all.
    “What’s your name, son?”
    “I am Vasily, but you call me Bear.”
    Ice cold vodka and cranberry went up her nose as she choked back a laugh. “Ooo, Bear. I like that.”
    His smile widened and he introduced the rest of his friends.
    “I’m Jonathan,” Steele said and spooned up next her, settling his hand on the flat of her bare belly. His thumbs grazed the undersides of her breasts. “This here is my bride, Vera. We just got hitched last week.”
    The boys’ faces fell as they murmured their congratulations.
    “Tell me, boys.” Steele’s hand slid up to lightly cup her breast. “Don’t I have the sexiest wife in the world?”
    “Oh, ya. Very sexy. Beautiful.” They all nodded enthusiastically, watching her husband fondle her.
    “You fellows aren’t from around here, are you?” Steele asked.
    “They’re from Moscow,” she answered and pressed her hip into his groin and the hard ridge of his erection. If he wanted to play, the game was on. “We are practically kissing cousins.”
    “No wonder you’re so excited to see them.” He twisted her nipple and the boys groaned.
    She grabbed the side of the chaise to keep from twisting one of his rings. “Bear said they were celebrating, but he didn’t get a chance to say what.”
    “It is my birthday,” he announced loudly and with a proud smile.
    “You came all this way from Moscow to celebrate your birthday?” Steele

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