Turn on a Dime - Blane's Turn
control all that kept him from exploring the possibilities, though his fingers did lightly brush her skin, smooth and soft to the touch.
    His headache was gone now and he closed his eyes, realizing before he drifted off to sleep that this was the first time he’d ever slept with a woman and not had sex with her.

    Blane didn’t know what woke him, but he lifted his head off the pillow, listening for a noise.
    Where the hell was he?
    Oh, yeah. Kathleen.
    Last night came back in a rush and he laid his head back down. He felt much better after a few hours of sleep and was glad he could function on less that the ideal eight.
    Of course, the warm curves of Kathleen’s body against his might also have something to do with his current good mood. That was until he abruptly realized that a) he had a raging hard on pressed against her ass and b) his hand was cupping her breast. Her naked, gorgeous, mouth-watering, perfect breast that fit in his hand like she’d been made just for him.
    Blane closed his eyes, sending up a quick prayer that maybe she was still asleep, that he could extricate himself from this fuckup without any damaging repercussions. God, all he needed was her accusing him of rape or sexual harassment or some other such shit. She didn’t seem the type, but he hardly knew her and sometimes you just couldn’t tell.
    The nipple of her breast grew taut and Blane’s cock twitched. He didn’t move. Every instinct inside him wanted to take this to its natural conclusion, which would only be adding a huge mistake onto what was rapidly becoming a pile of them where Kathleen was concerned.
    His lips by her ear, Blane breathed in a nearly silent whisper. “Are you awake?”
    She gave a tiny nod.
    But this was also interesting. She was awake, but not moving. Neither encouraging or discouraging him. If she was upset, she’d have started yelling by now, Blane was sure, slapped him or jumped up or something . But she wasn’t. Of course, neither was she doing anything to signal she wanted him to continue.
    Still, better to think with his head and not with his dick.
    Regretfully, Blane removed his hand, but he couldn’t resist the slow slide of his skin against hers from her breast, down her stomach to the tops of her panties, then up to the gentle curve of her hip. He stopped there, his thumb whispering across her skin as his fingers settled into the bend of where her thigh met her hip. He could hear her breathing, fast and shallow. Did she want this?
    One last try. “I should go,” he rasped. All Kathleen had to do was say one word, make just one hesitation, and Blane would do all he could to convince her that she wanted to wrap those legs around his waist and let him give her fabulous breasts the undivided attention they deserved.
    To his disappointment, she nodded, still without moving any other part of her body or speaking.
    It suddenly occurred to Blane that she might be afraid. Maybe her breathing and rapid pulse weren’t from arousal, but from fear. He was just as much a stranger to her as she was to him, and here he was touching her without her permission. Yes, she’d been amenable to him entering her bed last night, but he had been comforting her. Maybe she was thinking he now believed she owed him this. And he was her boss. Did she think he’d fire her if she turned him down?
    That certainly had a dousing effect on the heat in his blood, propelling Blane up and out of the bed. In the living room, he grabbed his jacket and tie, glad the sobering thought that he might have scared Kathleen had taken care of his hard on. Nothing like the idea that a woman feared she was moments from being raped to take the wind out of those particular sails.
    She’d followed him, he saw as he pocketed his wallet and cell. Thankfully, she’d put on a pair of shorts first. Or maybe that was a shame? Her arms were crossed protectively over her chest, which definitely was.
    “Thanks for coming,” she

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