Vampires of the Sun

Free Vampires of the Sun by Kathyn J. Knight

Book: Vampires of the Sun by Kathyn J. Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathyn J. Knight
weighted down. She couldn’t move to get closer but from where she was, she tried to inspect the three doors contained in the room. One was cracked and she could barely make out a toilet giving her knowledge that it was a bathroom. She could only assume the closed door next to the bathroom was a closet. The third door had a different look to it than the other doors. They looked small and light weight, possibly made of cheap wood. The third door was completely metal and designed to keep her in the room. It had a hole for things to be handed through and a slot so that anyone at eye-level could look inside. Norah laid back and stared at the ceiling to tell herself not to give up hope. She would find a way to escape.
                  Sleeping a bit more helped whatever effects that were left over from the mystery drugs she had been given wear off. She could move her hands and managed to drink from a glass of water that had been placed on the bedside table while she’d been asleep. She tried sniffing it to see if it had any drugs but it turned out to be just water. Everything was shaky though and Norah spilled a small bit onto her gown which she hadn’t really noticed yet. It wasn’t a hospital gown, only a sleeping gown but it looked elaborate and vintage with all of the lace and crisp whiteness. No one wore sleeping clothes like this anymore. Running her fingers through her hair, it was clean and she noticed she didn’t smell bad or feel greasy.
                  When she’d fallen asleep again, surprised at how tired she remained, food was on the bedside table when she woke. The broccoli and cheese soup was still steaming and the cheese in the vegetable sandwich was still cold. Her glass of water had been refilled. Knowing she had to eat to gain strength if she wanted to attempt an escape, Norah scarfed it down, ignoring the bubble of nausea in her stomach.
                  When all of the food was gone, Norah attempted to move her legs. She found that she could move them now but she lacked the strength to stand up completely. She had to crawl to the bathroom and pull herself up on the toilet in order to pee. Grasping at the sink, she looked at herself in the mirror. Other than big bags under her eyes and slightly sick pallor, she looked relatively okay. Crawling back and onto the bed had completely exhausted her and she passed out immediately, hating that she couldn’t stay awake for longer than half an hour each time.
                  The third time she woke up, Norah tested her feet again. She could stand although it was a bit shaky. She made it to the metal door and tried the knob but it wouldn’t budge even half an inch. Checking the closet door, Norah made sure it was just a closet. Inside were all of her clothes. It wasn’t just Norah that had ended up in this room. Her entire existence went with it. Coming out of the closet, Norah caught sight of a camera above her bed. They were watching her. But who was they?
                  Digging inside of the bedside drawers, Norah found a couple of her books from home. She didn’t feel like reading any of them, trying to plot how she might escape when the time came instead but she still didn’t know where she was or who had orchestrated for her to be brought there. Was she actually in a hospital or had she been legitimately kidnapped? She thought about her phone call with Jack and how she’d dropped the phone. He had to have heard everything. Maybe he was looking for her or had called the police for her. He could come visit her if this was an actual hospital but if it wasn’t and she had been taken, he’d never be able to find her. Even if he did find her, what if it got him killed. Biting her nails, she laid down in the bed and turned her face deliberately aware from the camera so they wouldn’t see the drops of water sliding down her cheeks.
                  Norah managed to stay awake longer than

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