Vampires of the Sun

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Book: Vampires of the Sun by Kathyn J. Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathyn J. Knight
thirty minutes this time. She sat there for over an hour, rolling around on the bed with her mind going a hundred miles a minute with thoughts. Dark thoughts filled her head about what she should do if it turned out she’d been kidnapped. She wasn’t about to let anyone touch her or abuse her. If push came to shove she could probably take one of the coat hangers and untwist the metal at the hook part and make it a sharp object and slice her wrists. None of the other ideas she came up with sounded feasible or like her. Biting her tongue off or asphyxiation sounded painful.
                  With determination, Norah got out of the bed and made her way to the closet. When she was halfway across the room, she heard the lock give on the door and the handle turn. Like a deer caught in headlights, she froze, afraid and curious at who was going to come through the door. Catching a glimpse of a crisp black jacket before she saw a face, dread at knowing it was Mauve filled her gut.
                  “I see you’re awake Norah. Very good. You’re a strong girl. I expected nothing less.” A smug look filled Mauve’s eyes and mouth. She looked at Norah with assessing, brown eyes that matched perfectly straightened brown hair, framing her face in a cool, chic and working lady bob cut.
                  “Why are you doing this? Where am I? I don’t believe I’m really in a hospital.” Norah was backing up before she even realized, backing into the couch where she was forced to stop.
                  “I don’t know what changed with you Norah. You were acting perfectly controlled. You were my perfect specimen, even before you came to see me. It came crumbling down so fast before I even knew it. I can make it better though. I’ll up your dosage and I think more therapy is right for you. Don’t you worry your pretty little head over anything else except reform. I’ve let your parents know where you are and you’ve been withdrawn from school. I have to thank your recluse life honestly. If it weren’t for that, this wouldn’t have been so easy.” Mauve dodged all of Norah’s questions.
                  As she spoke, Mauve’s mouth slowly formed into a wide-mouthed smile where every tooth could be seen. When she was done, she stood there staring at Norah. Transfixed on what was happening in front of her, Norah watched something about Mauve’s mouth change. From her gums, two holes seemed to open up. The holes were not very big, maybe the width of a small dot made from a pen. Sharp objects slid out of the holes, reminiscent of snake fangs. Norah couldn’t take her eyes off the process. It seemed to be done in slow motion. Finally, two fully formed fangs were overwhelmingly pointy and protruding from Mauve’s mouth. Curse words slipped out of Norah’s mouth as she held her hand up to her own mouth to stop the words from flowing.
                  “Norah, I want you to think about what you’ve seen happening here today. It won’t be the last you see or hear about it in the coming days. You’ll have food brought to you and if there is anything within reason that you would like to read or watch, it can be arranged. Do not think you can escape. We have full time guards in this institution as well as electronic security that you cannot possible get passed. I expect you to take your medicine daily. If you do not, there will be punishment. Your parents are on their way and once they have arrived, the next course of action will be decided.” The fangs retracted back into her gums, just as slowly as they had creeped out. It was a deliberate action from Mauve so that Norah would pay attention. She had her full attention.
                  The first time Norah tried to evade swallowing the pills, her head was forced under water in the facet until she agreed, spitting out and choking on water. The three goons who had surrounded her in her condo

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