Cancun: Bad Boys on the Beach: A Standalone Romance Novel

Free Cancun: Bad Boys on the Beach: A Standalone Romance Novel by Kimberly Fox

Book: Cancun: Bad Boys on the Beach: A Standalone Romance Novel by Kimberly Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Fox
fierce blue. Nothing could make him more attractive than he is right now. Any minute change of his face, even one that is meant to be an improvement, would only hurt his looks. He’s perfect the way he is.
    “We live in different cities,” I say. “You own a bar and a tattoo parlor, and I work at a dog food company. You must go to bed at four in the morning every night and staying up to nine thirty is considered late for me. We have nothing in common.”
    He doesn’t look discouraged. “I follow my gut,” he says. “I always have. And my gut wants you.”
    “That’s not very romantic,” I say, laughing. “Normally it’s the heart that wants another person. The gut usually wants French fries.”
    “My heart wants you too,” he says. “And you should hear what my cock has to say about it.”
    A laugh bursts from my lips and I shake my head. “Come on, Ethan. It would be fun for a bit but like I said we have nothing in common.”
    My stomach sinks as I take the flower from my ear and tuck it into his hand.
    “Goodnight,” I say and walk away.

    I walk for ten minutes without looking back. My legs and chest feel heavy and I cross my arms, holding my shoulders as I walk.
    This is going to be a shitty week. I can feel it. I just want to get it over with and go home. I’m sick of this achy feeling in my chest like my heart is breaking over and over again.
    Familiar giggling echoes through the night and I roll my eyes when I see where it’s coming from. There’s a couple going at it on one of the beach chairs by the pool. I’d recognize that irritating laugh and long blond hair anyway. Looks like Stephanie found someone to spend the night with. Slut . At least her clothes are still on but he does have a hand up her shirt.
    Stephanie bends over the guy and makes out with him. Yuck.
    Wait a minute. I recognize those flip flops on that guy. They have the same outline of red sunglasses imprinted on the sole of the ones that I bought Aaron. The ones that he complained were the wrong brand name and the ones that he never paid me back for.
    I hurry down the path and creep behind the dark bushes, looking at them from another angle. That fucker!
    It’s Aaron.
    Stephanie stands up off the chair and takes his hand. She pulls him up, looking at him with pure lust in her eyes. Vomit creeps up my throat as they kiss on the mouth. I’m frozen in shock behind the bushes and I don’t even move when she pulls him onto the path and they walk hand in hand back towards her room.
    I’m stunned. I don’t know why but I am. I’ve never been cheated on before and it sucks.
    An empty pit in my stomach accompanies me on the rest of the way back. I open the room, get in my pj's and crawl into bed, not even bothering to take off my makeup.
    I spend the next few hours staring at the curtains and watching the lights from the cars in the parking lot dance across the ugly material.
    Aaron finally opens the door when the room is beginning to light up from the rising sun. He crashes onto the bed and is snoring almost immediately.
    I never turn around. I feel nauseated from being beside him. From his presence but mostly from his smell. I can smell her on him. Her cheap perfume and the smell of her sex.
    It’s the first time ever that I cry myself to sleep.

Chapter Six
    Day Two
    I wake up to the soothing sounds of two Mexicans arguing outside my window. Aaron is still unconscious. Maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll drift off into a coma forever.
    My head is pounding as I climb out of bed and yank the curtains apart. There’s a forklift in the parking lot with crates stacked on the metal prongs. The last wooden crate is flipped over on the cement with broken watermelons everywhere.
    The two Mexicans turn back, look at me for two seconds, then turn back and continue yelling at each other.
    Aaron doesn’t wake up. I stand over the bed with my hands on my hips glaring at him. I can’t believe that he did that.

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