Cancun: Bad Boys on the Beach: A Standalone Romance Novel

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Book: Cancun: Bad Boys on the Beach: A Standalone Romance Novel by Kimberly Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Fox
Wait. Yes, I can.
    It’s been over for a long time between the two of us. I just didn’t want to admit it. I look at him lying on the sheets, still in his clothes from last night, and feel nothing but disgust. The stink of his alcohol-filled sweat is making my nose curl and the look of his mouth open, drooling on the pillow, is making my hands curl into fists.
    We’re through. I’m doner than done with him. He slept with Stephanie of all people. He’s disgusting.
    I only wish I wasn’t stuck in the same room as him for the rest of the week.
    I change into my bathing suit, grab my suntan lotion and book, and toss them into my beach bag. I don’t feel like waking him up and having the talk. I don’t think I can stomach hearing his lies. I just want to get out of this room.
    I hope you choke on your vomit.
    I give his sleeping, disgusting, cheating body the finger and slam the door.
    I actually feel lighter as I’m walking to the breakfast buffet, like there’s a weight lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t realize the heaviness that came with being Aaron’s girlfriend.
    Cynthia and Julia are sitting at a table inside the buffet, each with a big pile of pancakes in front of them. My stomach growls when I see them but I grab a banana, apple and yogurt instead. I don’t want to look five months pregnant in my bikini this afternoon.
    I pull up a wicker chair and tell them about last night’s events. They’re freaking out.
    “That bitch!” Julia says a little too loud. The mom at the table next to us gives her a dirty look and tells her six-year-old never to use that word.
    “I don’t want you guys telling Megan,” I say, peeling my banana. “I don’t want this to ruin her wedding week.”
    “See?” Cynthia says with a mouthful of pancake. “That’s why you’re the better friend. That’s why you should have been the maid of honor and not that slut-bag.”
    “Well, it’s not up to us is it?” I ask.
    “It fucking should be,” Julia says while she peels her orange. “Picking that cunt.” She squeezes the orange in her hand and the juice shoots all over her white, designer tank top.
    Cynthia bursts out laughing at Julia’s horrified look. I don’t want to even know how much that tank top cost.
    “Don’t worry,” she says, reaching into her bag and pulling another tank top out. “I have a backup.” The price tag is dangling off the seam and I see $150 written on it.
    “On the bright side,” Cynthia says, pouring more maple syrup all over her plate, “now you can fuck Superman.”
    I’m ashamed that I’ve already thought of that. Numerous times.
    “I’m not very hungry,” I lie as I stuff the apple and yogurt into my beach bag. “I’m just going to go read on a hammock. I need to get my mind off of this for a while.”
    Cynthia touches my arm with her sticky hand. “Okay, sweetie. Come see us later okay?”
    “I will.”
    I saw some hammocks hanging in the shade at the beach that would be perfect for me right now. The sun is shining with not one cloud in the spectacular blue sky. I take a long breath of the salty air and I feel better than I have in a long time. Wow . I wasn’t expecting to feel like this when I woke up.
    Kids are playing in the huge pool while their stressed-out, over-worked parents decompress on the beach chairs.
    My head jerks back and I snort out a laugh when I see something that I never thought I’d see. Ethan is sitting on a lawn chair in front of me reading my book: All Angels Fall.
    “What are you doing?” I ask, unable to stop giggling. Of all the books in the world, that’s the last one I’d expect him to be reading.
    “What does it look like?” he asks, lowering the book past his exposed abs. “I’m reading.”
    “You can read?”
    He slides his sunglasses to the top of his head and gives the cover of the book a funny look. “I thought it would have more pictures.”
    I smile. “Sorry about that. Why are you reading it was probably a better

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