Irish Linen

Free Irish Linen by Candace McCarthy

Book: Irish Linen by Candace McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace McCarthy
“but my mam kept me late. Now I think I’ve missed her!”
    Lucas placed a hand on the youth’s shoulder. “Who are you looking for?”
    “Meghan McBride,” he said. “My name’s Tom.”
    Meghan inhaled sharply. “I’m Meghan McBride.”
    Tom looked at Lucas and raised his eyebrows. “You her father?”
    Lucas chuckled. “Do I look old enough?”
    “Me father’s dead,” Meghan said. “Died coming across the sea.”
    “I’m sorry, miss,” the boy said.
    Meghan nodded, unsmiling. “Thank ye,” she whispered. Feeling Lucas’s regard, she looked up, met his dark gaze, and saw the compassion there.
    “I’ve a message from Mr. O’Connor.”
    Meghan stiffened. “Where is he?” she asked.
    “He couldn’t be here,” Tom said. “He was here, but he had to leave.” He reached inside the pocket of his grubby shirt and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. “He gave me this to give to ya.”
    Meghan took and unfolded the note. The only thing written on the piece of paper was Rafferty O’Connor and another name. “I don’t understand,” she said.
    “Let me see it.”
    Lucas scowled after reading the paper. “For God’s sake, what is that supposed to mean!” He turned to the boy. “Did he say anything else?”
    “Just that he had to get to Delaware.”
    “It must be his work,” Meghan murmured. “I hope he hasn’t lost his employment.”
    “I doubt it,” Lucas said. “I’ve met Mr. Somerton. He seemed like a decent enough fellow.”
    Tom shifted on his feet. “The man said there was coin in it for me if I got you to Somerville, miss.”
    Lucas dug into his pocket and pulled out a gold coin. “Here you are,” he said. “I’ll see that the lady gets home.”
    The boy’s eyes widened. “A quarter eagle, sir? But Mr. O’Connor—he said just a dollar!”
    “A reward for finding us, Tom.”
    Tom beamed at his one-dollar-and-fifty-cents bonus. “Thank you, sir.”
    Lucas nodded and, when the boy had departed, placed his arm about Meghan’s shoulders. “Come. I’ll hire us a carriage.”
    Meghan was stunned by Lucas’s generosity. He mustbe rich, she thought, recalling the boy’s overjoyed expression. She’d entertained the notion of his wealth before; why then did his actions surprise her?
    “I’m sorry,” she said, allowing Lucas’s arm to remain. “It seems that fate has you rescuing me again.”
    “Fate,” he said. He shook his head. “Pleasure, Meghan, not fate. It’s my pleasure to see that you reach your destination. After all we’ve been through, I’d hate for anything bad to happen to you now.”
    He called and waved to a crewman from the Mary Freedom, who left and returned later with Lucas’s sea chest.
    “Wait here while I arrange for that carriage.” Lucas smiled to reassure her.
    She nodded, her heart palpitating within her breast as she watched Lucas walk away. She immediately felt the loss of his company, recalling how vulnerable she’d felt until his arrival only moments ago. He was back beside her within minutes with a smile on his face and a man leading a horse-drawn conveyance by the animal’s reins.
    After seeing his trunk loaded in the back of the vehicle, Lucas tossed in Meghan’s small bundle, helped her into the carriage, and climbed in to sit beside her.
    “How far is it to Somerville?” she asked, hiding her surprise that he would be driving.
    “About twenty-five miles or so,” he told her. “We’ll travel some distance and then stop to eat at an inn.”
    Meghan bit her lip. Twenty-five miles! Would they make it to Somerville this night? She had no money for dinner, and she didn’t want to take his charity. What if she needed a room?
    Lucas glanced over at her and stared hard, before setting his gaze back on the road. “I can afford our dinner,” he said as if reading her mind.
    She raised her chin. “I’ll repay you,” she said. She looked ahead, firming her lips.
    “Don’t be absurd.”
    She turned to glare at

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