Emily Hendrickson

Free Emily Hendrickson by The Scoundrels Bride

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Authors: The Scoundrels Bride
next,” he suggested.
    “As a lamb?” Lady Chloe said in a teasing voice.
    Julian laughed heartily at this sally and then bowed to Lady Chloe. “You have a delightful wit, my girl. It would be a shame to have it wasted on Twisdale.” Julian could have bitten his tongue when he saw the laughter fade from her lovely eyes.
    “We shall prevail, never fear,” he said to encourage her.
    “I trust we will.” She was again the shy and worried young miss he had first seen.
    Julian took her hand in his and smiled down at her. “Until later, my dear Lady Chloe.” He was reluctant to let her hand go. He was truly concerned for her. She seemed such a little thing to stand up to that wicked old woman.
    “Until later, my dear conspirator,” she dared to reply with a mischievous look in her eyes that surprised Julian even as it delighted him.
    When back at the house, Chloe awaited the return of her esteemed grandmother with an anxious heart. For once, the knowledge that little happened in London that did not reach her grandmother’s ears was comfort for Chloe. She wondered which of the gossips would reach Lady Sefton’s drawing room first, for most of the female half of the ton knew where the dowager spent Tuesday afternoons. Few had any love for her, and nearly all would be eager to lower her arrogance if possible.
    Feeling a bit hungry and not knowing if she’d be sent off to bed without any supper, Chloe silently slipped along the hall and edged her way into the kitchen. Only the scullery maid took note of her.
    “Rose,” Chloe whispered when the girl peeked around the corner from the scullery and into the kitchen. When she ventured close to her, Chloe asked, “Could you find me some food? I fear I may not eat later.”
    Understanding how it was to be deprived of food when hungry, the girl darted off. She returned shortly with a plate holding a slice of ham, a roll, a savory, and a piece of plum cake.
    Chloe accepted the largesse, but not before observing how the child’s large eyes followed the food.
    “Are you hungry, Rose? Do you even get enough to eat?”
    “Bless you, miss, us below the salt dassent ask for more of anythin’ to eat,” Rose replied with an anxious glance at the cook, who had just returned to the kitchen from her rooms.
    “Rose,” she commanded in a firm tone, “back to work. Do not be bothering Lady Chloe.” The girl skittered from the kitchen and soon was heard banging pots and pans.
    “Mrs. Beeman,” Chloe said in her soft voice, “I would that Rose be given more to eat. She looks too thin by half.”
    Casting an astounded look at Chloe, who rarely ever raised her voice regarding anything in the house, the cook nodded. “Don’t see any harm in it, though what your grandmother might say with coddling of a scullery maid, I don’t know.”
    “Well, if she is not hungry, she might well work better.” After hurriedly eating the food on her plate, Chloe placed it on a sideboard in the butler’s pantry, then spirited herself off to the front parlor. When Grandmama returned, it was well to be forewarned.
    She stood close to the window holding aside the golden draperies with one slender hand, apprehensive and nervous.
    At long last the dowager’s Town carriage drew up before the house. The groom in his dark blue-and-gold livery hurried to let down the steps, then assist the dowager from the vehicle. She sailed up to the front door, which was whisked open for her so she need not so much as pause in her stride.
    Chloe turned to face the doorway, wondering if she would be able to withstand what she feared was coming. She licked her dry lips and quickly folded her hands before her lest Grandmama see her trepidations.
    Apparently the dowager had been informed as to Chloe’s whereabouts, for within seconds the imposing figure appeared framed in the doorway. With narrowed eyes, she advanced upon Chloe.
    “I heard the most outrageous story this afternoon. Mrs. Robynhod claimed she observed you

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