
Free SimplyIrresistible by Evanne Lorraine

Book: SimplyIrresistible by Evanne Lorraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evanne Lorraine
roll, unless you’re feeling adventurous.”
    “What do you recommend for thrill-seekers?” she teased.
    His grin flashed again, making him look younger and even
sexier. “Me or you could try the omakase.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Here it’s a mixed platter of sushi and sashimi—literally
chef’s choice.”
    “I’ll stick with a California roll for now.” She boldly
fluttered her lashes to signal she’d caught his first suggestion—to sample him.
Her cheeks warmed as she pictured where she would start nibbling.
    The waiter reappeared and Liam gave him their order. When
they were alone, he turned his focus back to her. “I’d love to know what
thought caused your pretty blush, but you need to drink your tea.”
    Her hand closed around the bowl, bringing the drink to her
lips in automatic obedience to his rumbled command. She swallowed green tea.
The hot liquid burned her tongue. She set it down carefully.
    “Open.” Liam popped an ice cube into her mouth. “Suck. It’ll
    Again, she followed his orders. The cold actually did soothe
the small injury. She wasn’t usually that stupid. She tried to use her head and
stay cautious, but the way he took charge and took care of her made him nearly
impossible to resist.
    Before the ice on her tongue melted, their food arrived.
    Liam fed her bites. She ate half of the exquisitely fresh
sushi roll and nudged the rest toward him. “Please have some. It’s delicious
and I’m past full.”
    He polished off the remainder with smooth efficiency.
    Tiana covered a yawn as they left the restaurant.
    “Time for you to be in bed.”
    “Don’t you want to go to the club?”
    He helped her into his SUV. “We’ll go another night. The
Crucible will be there.”
    After Liam fastened her safety belt, he leaned in and kissed
her. A trace of spicy wasabi, soy sauce and green tea melded with the addictive
flavor of alpha male that was all him. The brush of his mustache was a welcome
reminder of the other kisses they’d shared. He used his lips, tongue and teeth
to claim her without mercy. She softened for the primal plundering and fell
under his sensual spell.
    He ended the kiss with a sharp nip on her lower lip. “Stay
put. I have to make a call and then we’ll go home.”
    Rebellion required way too much energy. All Tiana wanted was
more of his intoxicating caresses and then some snuggling. In the meantime she
rested her head on the smooth leather of his comfortable seat and let the
sensual memory of his touch wash through her.
    Liam must have used his remote, because the SUV’s locks clicked
while he was outside, placing his call.
    A smile teased her lips at the protective gesture. Her heavy
eyelids drifted closed for a few moments. She jolted awake when the driver’s
door opened and sank back as Liam’s harsh features registered. Funny, Richard
had been so pretty and so cruel while this new Master looked harsh, even a bit
menacing, yet made her feel safe.
    “Jacques is meeting us at your place.”
    Her sappy glow vanished. Already knowing she wouldn’t like
the answer, she still asked, “Who is Jacques?”
    “He handles security for Sterling Enterprises. Tonight he
has an extra assignment, making sure you wake up in one piece.” He started the
SUV and shifted into reverse.
    His protectiveness charmed her, but that didn’t mean he
could take over her life. “I’m not helpless and I don’t need a rent-a-cop
    Liam stopped the vehicle, put the SUV back in park and
turned his attention on her. “First, Jacques is ex-military and an eminently
qualified professional. Second, his presence doesn’t make you a victim. He’ll
be there to keep you from becoming a crime statistic. Third, no one person, no
matter how tough they are can handle their own protection 24/7. Security
personnel are the smart choice when there is a clear and present threat.”
    He’d kept his voice low and reasonable for the entire
mini-lecture. The part that really

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