The Natural [Answers 3]

Free The Natural [Answers 3] by Christelle Mirin

Book: The Natural [Answers 3] by Christelle Mirin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christelle Mirin
Tags: Romance
asked, his stomach tightening. Could she have heard everything? What must she be thinking? Would she agree to their proposal?
    Dawn crossed her arms beneath her breasts, her face flushed from sleep. Her hair was mussed up slightly, and she wore the white robe tied tightly at her waist. “I’ve heard quite a bit actually.” Her expression was blank, no sign of emotion at all. “When were you planning on including me in this conversation?”

Chapter Nine
    It took everything Dawn had to keep the excitement off of her face .
    Something had awakened her, and when she rolled over in the large bed and found herself alone, the first thing she thought of was to find the men. She wanted to be near them, to cuddle in their arms. Dawn had never felt as close to someone as she did with Hunter, Wilder, and Micah. The three of them had shown her just how much she could trust them, and it was something very special to her, a sense of completeness she hadn’t felt with anyone before, and now she had three men to thank for it. Three men to love.
    Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she sat for a moment, letting her last thought ripple through her mind. Her heart pounded, her blood chugging in her veins. She did love them, all of them. How could that be? Had she really lost her mind this time?
    Hearing voices in the next room, she rose from the bed and slipped her robe back on again. She moved to the closed door and leaned toward it. Yes, three voices. Her men were still here in the suite. Putting her ear against the door, she tried to make out what they were talking about. She couldn’t quite get what they were saying. Dawn bit her lip and eased the door open as quietly as she could. Once it was open about three inches, she peeked through the crack and saw the three of them sitting in the living room, talking. When she heard what they were saying, she pulled the door wide and stood in the doorway, her heart pounding.
    Evidently she wasn’t only one who was going off the deep end. She had been standing in the bedroom door long enough to hear the three of them discussing the fact that they had an emotional attachment to her. She had distinctly heard them all mention the word “love” before Hunter had noticed her standing there listening.
    Micah rose from the chair he had been sitting in and walked straight to her. “We want to talk to you about something.” He took her hand. “Come, sit with us for a bit.” He smiled and led her toward the couch.
    Dawn followed him, biting the inside of her cheek. She didn’t want to let on just yet that she had heard them talking about their feelings for her. She wanted them to tell her to her face. Sitting down on the couch between the twins, a warm feeling swept over her. She hadn’t expected anything like this when she had booked the weekend here. Of all places to meet three men, all of whom she was in love with. How was she going to tell them the way she felt without sounding like a desperate woman who fell for the first man who made her feel the way they did?
    “You look rested,” Hunter said, patting her thigh. “Did you have a nice nap?”
    She nodded. “Yes, I did. How long have I been asleep?” She had no sense of what time it was or how long she’d been alone in the bedroom.
    “It’s almost five o’clock. You slept through lunch. I’ll bet you’re hungry again, aren’t you?” Wilder rested his arm on the back of the couch behind her shoulders and reached over to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
    “Before we decide on dinner, we need to talk over a few things,” Micah said, taking his seat in the easy chair again. He leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees. His expression was serious, his eyes intense.
    “Should I be worried?” Dawn clasped her hands together in her lap.
    “No, but it is important business.” Micah shook his head, looking frustrated. “Not business, it’s—”
    “Get on with it, Micah. You’re starting to worry me,

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