A Little Harmless Secret

Free A Little Harmless Secret by Melissa Schroeder

Book: A Little Harmless Secret by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
stepped into the room.
    “They weren’t sent here to gather information or even to capture her,” Devon said.
    Micah walked around the bed, and Devon raised his gaze to meet his brother-in-law’s.
    “You’re right. They were sent for one thing.”
    His rage grew. “Assassination.”

    It was amazing how fast everything came together. They had the apartment packed up, along with the things from her house, and they were heading to a private airport before three that afternoon.
    Still, after witnessing how fast Dee threw their stuff together—probably learned while she was on the run from her father—Alicia worried about the danger they would face. Just being connected with her put their lives at risk. Needing to reassure herself, she approached Micah. He was the most level-headed of everyone involved and she needed his approval.
    “Are you sure about this?” she asked.
    “I said it was fine,” Devon said, butting in. Of course he was butting in. He’d been doing that since he showed up and her life had gone to hell.
    “I didn’t ask you,” she said without looking at him. “I was asking Micah, because my presence is a danger to his wife and children. Their safety is more important than your ego.”
    Devon didn’t argue with her, but she could hear him cursing beneath his breath.
    Micah’s lips twitched once, then, he said, “I’m sure. We will add a little extra security to the house and to the club. I’ve already talked to Conner about it.”
    “Conner Dillon?”
    “Yeah. I told you we used them too.”
    “I never talked to him.” she asked. “I thought he pretty much left the running of the company to his partner and his sister.”
    “We have a connection that goes back a long way,” Micah said, looking at Dee. “And he lives in Hawaii now and handles the work in Hawaii. I think they do a lot of personal security in the Far East and Australia now as well.”
    “Does the entire bloody world live there now?”
    Dee chuckled. “We like to lure them over. Anyway, I’m sure he’d like to talk to you about things. Give you some advice.”
    She snorted. “I appreciate that, but I don’t need a former FBI agent’s advice on security.”
    Dee opened her mouth but Devon stopped her. “The one thing I’ve learned is to avoid those interspook arguments.”
    “You actually learned that from your very short tenure with the CIA?” Alicia asked before she could stop herself.
    “I left on my own. I decided to leave.”
    She didn’t know what was making her so reckless, but she didn’t care. “I’m sure most women would fall for that, but remember, I’m MI-6.”
    “Used to be.”
    “Yes, well, I didn’t make that decision, now did I?”
    He stepped so close his chest brushed her breasts. Irritation and surprisingly, arousal, sparked through her blood. “Is that the truth? I guess you call it a decision, I call it someone in your organization taking matters into his own hands.”
    She opened her mouth, but Dee interrupted them. “Hey.”
    “What?” they both said at the same time.
    “You two need to cool it before the kids hear.”
    That brought her back to earth. She couldn’t believe she’d lost her temper like that. Well, not as an adult and definitely not in front of Bridget.
    “Sorry. I should have controlled myself better.”
    “Sorry,” Devon mumbled. He picked up the last of the bags and followed Micah out the door.
    Alicia shoved a hand through her hair. “How embarrassing.”
    Dee laughed. “No. Micah and I argue a lot. It’s all that sexual chemistry.”
    Alicia blinked in response. The woman said the oddest things. “There is no sexual chemistry.”
    Dee gave her a look of pity. “Oh, honey, there is a lot of chemistry, sexual and otherwise. Tell me this. How do you feel right now?”
    Dee nodded.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Your body, how does it feel?”
    “Well, kind of hot.”
    She threw her

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