Carol Cox

Free Carol Cox by Trouble in Store

Book: Carol Cox by Trouble in Store Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trouble in Store
I’ll have to make time to take care of the bookkeeping during the day.”
    Melanie kept her smile intact but said nothing, hoping her innocent demeanor concealed her eagerness to see him gone so she could get started on her project.
    “Yes.” Caleb nodded slowly. “Go ahead and lock up. That’ll be fine.” He swept one more look around the store, as if reluctant to leave, then put his hand on Levi’s shoulder. “It’s been a long day, son. How would you like to eat at the café tonight instead of me fixing supper?”
    When the little boy yipped with pleasure, Caleb gave a tired grin and ruffled his son’s hair. “Let’s go home and get washed up, then.” He gave Levi a second glance and added, “While you’re at it, you’d better change your shirt and slick that hair down a little. It’s standing up all over.”
    Melanie followed them to the door and made sure it was locked before she let her smile broaden into a grin. Alone at last! Turning, she planted her hands on her hips and looked around the store, trying to decide where she should begin.
    A yawn caught her by surprise, and a wave of weariness swept over her. Caleb was right. It had been a long day, trying to adjust to her new situation and learn as much as she could about the people of Cedar Ridge, the mercantile—and the man who ran it.
    Caleb was undoubtedly attractive, with his strong, honest face and direct gaze. And after seeing him in action all day, she knew for a fact that he was a hard worker who cared about the store and its customers. Then she remembered the note she’d found that morning and drew her brows together. Try as she might, she couldn’t reconcile what she had seen of Caleb’s character with the underhanded nature required to write such a malicious message. But then again, she barely knew the man.
    Pivoting on her heel, she headed into the small kitchen. A cup of tea would be just the thing to revitalize her before she started reorganizing their merchandise. As she filled the kettle, another yawn stretched her mouth wide.
    Melanie shook herself and blinked her eyes rapidly. Despite her eagerness to carry out her plan for the evening, even tea would not be enough to banish the exhaustion that dragged at her. Setting the kettle down on the sideboard, she started up the stairs to her room. She would lie down for a few minutes, long enough to give her weary body a brief rest and clear her mind for the task ahead. After all—she grinned again—she had all evening.
    She stretched out on the coverlet and closed her eyes. Just a few minutes to relax, to let her mind drift. . . .
    Something was smothering her, closing her nostrils, tightening her throat. Melanie sat bolt upright, trying to push the obstruction away. It took her a few seconds to wake up enough to recognize the acrid stench of smoke. She blinked, trying to get her bearings, then realized where she was—in her new room above the mercantile. And smoke meant there was a fire.
    That’s right, a fire in the alley. The men were putting it out.
    No, that had been the day before. This was something different.
    Fully awake now, she shoved herself off the bed and ran to the door. She yanked it open long enough to see smoke filling the stairwell, then slammed it shut again.
    There was no other way to get to the ground floor, no way of escape. She was trapped upstairs.
    Panic choked her even more than the smoke that stung her nostrils as she raced across the room to the window overlooking the alley. Flinging it open, she stuck her head out. She took two gulps of the clear outside air, then screamed at the top of her lungs. “Help! Fire!”
    She heard a shout and poked her head out farther. Craningher neck, she saw Caleb and Levi running her way from the direction of the café. “Help!” she cried again, waving her arms to attract their attention.
    Caleb skidded to a halt below her window. “What’s wrong?”
    “Help me! There’s a fire down below, and I can’t get

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