Sun Burnt

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Book: Sun Burnt by Cat Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Miller
skin and straight into his heart. H e’ d never wanted a committed relationship of any kind. That had all changed the night Kesslyn walked into Hooligans and danced away with his future in the palms of her hands.
    The first month on the ranch passed quickly. Kesslyn was meeting with Mr. Baird several times a week to go over the W’ s financial statements and her investment portfolio. She was finally starting to see the bigger picture. Sh e’ d discovered that her grandfather had an account for the ground rents paid by the tow n’ s business and public buildings. Russell, Sr. had n’ t needed the money so he invested it back into the town. This was where the money for police vehicles and public works donations came from. The people paid the Walker estate ground rent, and her grandfather just gave it right back. Kesslyn wished sh e’ d known him. He might have been stubborn, but he was a good man. Just like her father. 
    She was elbow deep in purchase orders and spread sheets in her office at the ranch. It had been her grandfathe r’ s office. Sh e’ d taken it over recently and had Mr. Bair d’ s assistant delivering anything she needed to review. The frequent trips to Mr. Bair d’ s had become tedious. The man meant well, but he treated her like a child. He went over every document as if she could n’ t read it herself without a hand to hold. Kesslyn was confident in her ability to decipher the numbers. She was learning more and more about the industry every day. So things were coming together.
    There was a knock on the frame of her open door. Kesslyn looked up to find a mighty fine cowboy standing there with bunch of wildflowers in a vase. She and Beau were thick as thieves. They spent all of their spare time together. Sometimes they even left the bedroom.
    Kesslyn was hopelessly in love with Beau, but she had n’ t given him the words yet. It had happened so fast. She did n’ t want to scare him away. He had n’ t exactly said the words either. They both danced around it. They were giving it try. Taking a chance. She thought he loved her too, but she did n’ t want to be the first one to say it.
    Beau sauntered into the room and placed the vase on her desk. He leaned over the desk and kissed her soundly.
    “ Thank you. To what do I owe the honor of a midday visit ?”
    “I’ m here to ask my girl out on a date .” His smile had the power to take her breath away.
    “ You are? Just where are we going, cowboy ? ”
    “ Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, if you have n’ t noticed. Ther e’ s a day long shindig in town every year. I t’ s a long day but i t’ s a lot of fun. I’ d be honored if yo u’ d be my date. I’ ll make all of those salivating cowboys jealous as hell .” He chuckled.
    It was true. The cowboys in town had taken a liking to her. She could n’ t go anywhere in town without receiving an offer for a date.
    “ Maybe once I make it good and clear yo u’ re my girl the y’ ll back off. If not, I’ m gonna have to start banging heads together .” He was n’ t smiling any longer. Kesslyn laughed out loud. She liked it when he got possessive. Sh e’ d be happy to inform the ladies of Walker Creek that Beau was off the market herself.
    “ Why, thank you, darli n’ . I’ d be honored to go to the shindig with you ,” she said in her best fake accent. It sounded very Scarlett O’ Hara.
    “ Thank you, m a’ am. I t’ s a date .” He chuckled at her bad imitation.
    He swept her up out of her chair and sat down. He settled her on his lap straddling him. Oh, my! He was at attention. Beau kissed her and slid his hands under her shirt to cup her breast. It was a long time before she got back to work.
    Kesslyn dressed for the festivities with the warm summer day in mind in cream colored shorts and a black tank top with the Baltimore Ravens logo emblazoned across the chest. Her fingers brushed lovingly over the purple, black, and gold reminder of her

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