Sun Burnt

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Book: Sun Burnt by Cat Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Miller
he caught sight of Kesslyn sitting relaxed on Butterscotc h’ s back. She was brave, h e’ d give her that. He did n’ t think another woman would be riding an animal that had thrown her and bolted the day before. Beau was n’ t pleased to see her out riding so soon. She had some nasty bruises and a few scrapes that needed time to heal.
    She had n’ t seen him yet. He slowed Zeus to a trot and took her in from a distance. Tendrils of rich auburn hair fluttered out in the breeze as Kesslyn surveyed the pastures around them and the cattle in the distance. Beau could imagine her looking out over this vista everyday while taking stock of her domain. He was surprised to realize how very much he wanted that to happen. Not only for the welfare of the town, but for Kesslyn, because she seemed lost and in need of an anchor. This land could be her anchor, her new home. Beau also wanted it for him, because h e’ d come to the conclusion at some point during the small hours of the morning that he needed Kesslyn.
    He wanted more than the chance h e’ d asked her for.  Beau wanted to love her. He already did if he were being honest with himself. Now he completely understood Deaco n’ s need to tie himself to Rissa in such a damn hurry. It was like a primal need to claim the female wh o’ d claimed you without even trying. He did n’ t want to move too fast and make Kesslyn bolt back to her life in the city so far away from him, but there was no doubt in his mind that h e’ d drag her fine ass down the aisle if she gave him half a chance. Even though he knew she could do better than a small town cowboy. He would be her cowboy, and h e’ d make damn sure she never regretted choosing him.
    He chuckled to himself. Deacon was going to have a field day with this. There would be no end to the ribbing Beau would receive after he tried so hard to talk Deacon out of his hasty marriage. He looked forward to it. Kesslyn would be worth all the teasing Beau would endure.
    He felt sure she was n’ t contemplating selling the ranch. Hodges had called Beau several times to suggest he do whatever was necessary to keep Kesslyn in Texas. Several other concerned townsfolk had called to ask if the rumors were true. Kesslyn had never mentioned she wanted to sell the W. She had n’ t even hinted at ever leaving. He was convinced everyone was being paranoid, but he planned to ask her about it when he found the right time. He would let her know what people were saying once she felt a little more secure in their relationship. He, for one, was n’ t worried about Kesslyn leaving. She would n’ t have agreed to be his woman if she were planning on skipping town. He knew for a fact that she was making plans to upgrade equipment, and she was looking into enrolling in a course in animal husbandry and agriculture. A person about to sell it all and run back to the city did n’ t do things like that.
    For Beau, the necessity to keep Kesslyn in Walker Creek was about far more than the desire to protect his job or the town. It was about the burning want for the woman herself. Now he just needed to convince her that she needed him, too.
    If things did n’ t work out the way he hoped they would, Beau did n’ t know what h e’ d do. He would n’ t be able to stay on as foreman at the W. No way could he see her every day and not take her into his arms and kiss her lush mouth. It would n’ t be possible for him to watch her with another man. The idea made him furious. No, he would n’ t survive that, and neither would any man who captured Kessly n’ s heart with Beau around. H e’ d have to move on, find another job in another town. He never thought h e’ d leave Walker Creek, Texas. So h e’ d better get down to the business of winning the heart of the yankee wh o’ d stolen his.
    This had all happened so fast Beau could hardly wrap his head around it. All he knew for sure was that in a matter of days this sexy redheaded yankee had slipped under his

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