Secret, The

Free Secret, The by Beverly Lewis

Book: Secret, The by Beverly Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Lewis
Tags: FIC042000
a little lump rise in her throat. Jakob’s hair was peppered with gray, and these days he had to stand gingerly for a few seconds before proceeding to walk, his legs a bit wobbly after getting out of his chair. And their dear Grace, so full of youthful energy, surely ought to be getting married before too long.
    She’ll follow in her brother’s footsteps, no doubt.
    This minute, the warmth of family spread its wings over her . . . over the three of them. And Adah did not want a single thing to spoil its sweetness.
    “You’re comin’ for supper tomorrow, jah?” asked Grace, breaking the stillness.
    “Couldn’t keep me away,” Jakob said, looking at Adah.
    “I’ll bake your favorite dessert, Gracie,” said Adah. “Carrot cake with butter frosting.”
    “Mamma doesn’t like to make much to-do ’bout birthdays, ya know,” Grace said unexpectedly.
    “Well, if you could mark the day however you’d choose, what would ya do?” asked Adah.
    Grace stared down at the table. “Well, let’s see. You’d all sing the birthday song, for sure.” She raised her head slowly. “I do like hearin’ Mamma’s perty voice rise up above all the others. Oh, ever so much.”
    That joyful side of Lettie’s rarely seen anymore, thought Adah.
    “And, without thinkin’ too hard, I’d prob’ly like to spend a good part of the day with Becky.” Grace squinted her eyes, as if expecting a retort. “And with Adam.”
    “In other words, with your closest friends,” Adah said.
    “Jah.” Grace smiled warmly at them both. “But don’t misunderstand, I’d take yous along, too, if I could.”
    “Take us where?” Jakob leaned forward again.
    “To the ocean. Someday I want to see it for myself . . . not just in books.” Grace glanced toward the window. “There must be something mighty special ’bout the roar of it, ya know?”
    “And the extent of it,” Adah added.
    “To think you can see nearly forever . . . well, out to the edge of the world, so to speak.” Grace was lost in a daydream, something Adah had never noticed before. Thank goodness she’s not the dreamer her mother always was!
    Jakob waved his hand. “Well, maybe that driver could take you to see that there horizon line you’re talking ’bout. What’s his name?”
    “Martin Puckett?” said Grace. “A right cheerful fella, I’ll say.”
    “Jah, that’s who. Maybe Martin’ll drive you, Becky, and Adam out to the ocean one of these days.”
    That brought the biggest smile to Grace’s face, but it didn’t last long, because just then Adah heard the front screen door smack shut. Grace’s face paled, and her gaze found Adah’s and held it awkwardly for a long time.

    G race’s birthday began like any other day except for one thing: She was awakened by Mandy, who slipped into the room and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Happy day . . . happy year, sister!” Mandy announced, all smiles.
    Squinting up at her, Grace stretched and yawned. “Ach, you’re up even before me.”
    Mandy sat on the edge of the bed, her long, reddish-blond hair flowing over her round shoulders, clear to her chubby waist. “I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday, Gracie.” She tried to suppress a yawn but did not succeed. Laughing softly, she said, “We have something special planned.”
    Mandy bobbed her head up and down, eyes shining. Then, pretending to seal her lips, she whispered, “That’s all I’ll say.”
    Grace loved her playful sister, who always seemed to have something interesting or mysterious up her sleeve. “Well, the day will go by quickly, I’m sure.” She sat up and looked at the wind-up alarm clock on the small table next to her bed. “I best be getting ready for work.”
    Mandy stood up, still clad in her long white cotton nightgown. “And must you work tomorrow, too?”
    “ Nee— no, not that I know of.”
    “Well, gut, then . . . we’ll have us some sister time, jah?”
    Mandy’s sleepy eyes

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