How to Date a Werewolf

Free How to Date a Werewolf by Rose Pressey

Book: How to Date a Werewolf by Rose Pressey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Pressey
enough to make me melt. I had to break the gaze, or we needed to leave the restaurant. Unfortunately, I had to opt on staying and devouring fajitas instead of consuming Jack. Don’t worry, I didn’t mean actually “devour” him, as in making him a werewolf snack. I may be a lycanthrope, but I’m not that gross.
    “So tell me, what brings you to New Orleans? What made you leave Texas?” I had to break the intense silence between us. If I didn’t, I’d jump across the table and tackle him.
    “Actually, my mother lives here.” He let go of my gaze, grabbed a chip, dipped it into salsa and popped the salty treat into his mouth.
    “Really? That’s great. Is she the only family you have in the city?”
    “Yes, she’s the only one. Everyone else is back in Texas. She moved here after she and my dad divorced. She just packed up one day and took off. I suppose to get away from my father. Soon after she got here, she became lonely and depressed, so I decided to come and be near her. I couldn’t let her deal with the loneliness on her own.”
    Aw, how sweet was he? Unless he was a mama’s boy. Then that wouldn’t be so cool. Uh-oh. I’d have to keep an eye out for any clingy behavior with his mother. Who was I kidding, though? It didn’t matter if he was latched on to her apron strings. I had to remind myself that three dates, maximum, was all I had.
    “Where’d you go to school?”
    “University of Houston.”
    “What made you decide on your profession?”
    “I was always fascinated by the human mind. Doesn’t sound great, I know, but I wanted to know more about behavior and why we do the things we do. You know, I’m the only one in my family to attend college. Naturally, my mother is ecstatic that she gets to introduce me as her son, the doctor. My mother worked hard to provide for me, but her one regret was she couldn’t afford to send me to college.”
    “What about your dad?”
    “He didn’t work much.”
    “Oh. So what did you do?”
    “I can’t believe I’m telling you about this.” He paused. “I was a stripper. So I, um…” He cleared his throat. “I performed a dance with you know, a female audience. It allowed me to pay for college and make it on my own without adding a burden to my mother.”
    I stuffed a couple of chips in my mouth, then gulped my water. “So you, um, were nude?” I stuffed another chip in my mouth.
    “Oh no, it wasn’t full nudity.”
    Oh dear. Please let him show me his dance moves. Where was that pitcher of ice cold water when I needed it? I wondered if he wore a bikini or thong.
    “How does one get into something like that?” I asked.
    “I saw an ad for auditions and it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
    “Well, I guess it was a good idea. It paid for your college, right?”
    “It did.” He nodded.
    If I didn’t change the subject soon I’d overheat.
    “Do you miss Houston?” I munched on a chip while eyeing him.
    “Sometimes, but so far I’m really enjoying New Orleans.” He gave me a look that made me want to melt into the vinyl seat. Heat from his sexy gaze created a warm feeling that easily spread throughout my body. I didn’t need a road map to read his signs. He might actually be enjoying my company. Yes, by the smile on his face, I’d say he might even like me. Crazy behavior and all.
    “Are you originally from Louisiana?” he asked.
    “Can’t you tell by my accent?” I busied my hands with my napkin.
    “Yes, now that you mention it, I guess I can. What about your family? They here in New Orleans too?” He popped another chip.
    Five minutes into the first date and I was already reminded of my dysfunctional family. There was no way I wanted to get into that topic. What was I supposed to say? My family comes from the old country where they enjoy frolicking madly by the light of a full moon while covered in hair? My immediate family lived here, and that was all he needed to know.
    “My parents are here, and I have a brother who

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