Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters)

Free Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters) by Caitlyn Robertson

Book: Sweet as Honey (The Seven Sisters) by Caitlyn Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caitlyn Robertson
    “How long have you been dating?” she asked.
    “Just over six months,” he admitted reluctantly.
    She studied him with something akin to
pity. “So you haven’t had sex for six months?” That made her smile. “Good
grief. I can’t imagine you going without sex for a week, let alone that long.”
    “It’s surprising what you can do when
you’re in love,” he said, meaning to sound noble, but to his ears it sounded
    “So you have no idea what she’s going to be
like in bed.” Cathryn moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. Against
his will, his gaze was drawn to them, painted in a deep red, his favourite
colour. Honey never wore it, preferring a subtler pink gloss, and he’d never
asked her to, but Cathryn had worn it all the time. Her lips curved a little as
she noticed his eyes rest on them. “Does she know what a naughty boy you are in
the bedroom?”
    His gaze snapped back up to hers. “Don’t.”
    She leaned forward, amused now, her eyes
daring, taunting. “Do you think she’ll be willing to let you do the kind of
things that I let you do to me?” She moistened her lips again. “Whatever your
dirty mind could come up with?”
    He pushed his chair back, stood and walked
out of the café, wishing he’d done it ten minutes ago, wishing he hadn’t let
her into the car. He strode across the car park and unlocked the car door, but
before he could open it she put her knee against it, forcing it closed again.
    “Going so quickly?” she said breathlessly.
“We’ve only just got started.”
    “Get out of my way,” he snapped, pushing
her to the side.
    She grabbed him, however, tightening her
arms around him and locking her hands behind his back. “I know you,” she said,
her voice low and sultry. “She’s been happy to go without sex for so long. Do
you think she’s going to understand when you want it five times in one night?
When you ask her to do things—wicked things to fill that darkness inside of
    He tried to loosen her arms, failed and
banged her back against the car. “Let me go!”
    But she refused to let him go, one hand
holding his head, her fingers tightening painfully in his hair. Her red lips reminded
him vividly of when she used to go down on him. She had been fantastic at oral
sex, and it had been a difficult vision to eliminate from his memories.
    Her lips clamped on his, sticky and hot,
and for a brief moment—it couldn’t have been more than a second or two—Dex
hesitated. Her body was soft, her breasts pressing against his chest, and the
slide of her tongue in his mouth and the feel of her against him had the blood
racing around his body.
    And then a vision of Honey shot into his
head, and he stumbled back, nausea flooding him. Fuck. What the fucking
fuck was he doing?!
    Scrubbing at his lips, he pushed Cathryn
away, got in the car and drove off without another word, leaving her standing
there. She didn’t run after the car or even shout—just watched him drive away,
a solitary figure in his rear view mirror, her face filled not with hatred this
time but with amusement and an abiding sense of victory.
    He pushed the accelerator to the floor and
flew back up the state highway. His head spun and for a few minutes he worried
he might throw up on the passenger seat.
    In one swift move, he’d put his new life in
danger, risked it all for a snatched kiss outside a seedy café. Had anyone seen
him? He’d been in uniform, for Christ’s sake, leaning against a police car. He
was well known throughout a good portion of the Northland and he hadn’t even
dragged her around the corner out of sight—he’d kissed her in full view of the
passing traffic. Someone could be on their mobile to Honey right now, telling
her. I saw your fiancé kissing another woman in public.
    He pulled over to the side of the road,
opened the door and sat there for a moment, close to vomiting.
    Eventually, his stomach settling a little, he
shut the door and leaned his

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