to react to the difficult parts of life. And in her opinion, that’s what real family was—being there for one another during the hard parts of life, supporting and standing up for one another.
    Reef smiled.
    Kirra shifted. “What?”
    â€œNothing. I just haven’t heard you this talkative in years.”
    â€œMeaning?” Was that a good or bad thing?
    â€œIt’s a compliment. It’s nice having a real conversation with you.”
    â€œReal?” What did that mean?
    â€œYou know . . . one where you aren’t lecturing me.” He winked.
    â€œIs that who you really think I am?” That she only lectured or bossed? Though, based on their history, she could see where he was coming from. His thoughtful stare and slight smile curving on his lips sent a jig aflutter in her belly.
    â€œI used to.”
    She swallowed, drawn to his deep blue eyes and the sincerity resting in them. “And now?”
    His smile slowly widened on one side—a sexy lopsided grin. “I feel like I’m beginning to see the real you for the first time.”
    She was dying to ask if he liked what he saw, but she wasn’t brave enough.
    She stared out the plexiglass window as they made their descent into Fairbanks, her heart thudding in her throat.

    Kirra followed Reef through Fairbanks International Airport. What was she doing? She couldn’t be back here. Her alma mater held some of her best memories, but also her very worst. But Darcy was right—the university was their best resource for determining Meg’s whereabouts.
    She prayed Meg’s roommate, Ashley, knew when Meg had left campus. Knowing when she left and where she was headed would give them the first piece of the puzzle, and Kirra was anxious to start filling in the empty slate before them.
    â€œHey.” Reef nudged her arm. “It’s going to be okay.”
    She straightened. “How can you possibly know that?”
    â€œBecause I have faith.”
    The statement seemed odd coming from Reef. Oh, she knew people could change—she’d witnessed change in Reef already—but Reef McKenna was talking to her about faith. . . . God certainly had an ironic sense of humor. “Sorry to tell you this, but even people of faith are let down sometimes.”
    â€œTrust me.” He hefted his duffel higher on his shoulder. “I know.”
    She bit her bottom lip. His parents had both been strongbelievers, and both died young. Reef had endured his share of sorrow and suffering.
    â€œBut that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have faith,” he said, holding the glass door open for her. “Jesus doesn’t promise us a life without trouble. In fact, for His followers He says the exact opposite.”
    The verse from John 16 sank into her veins. “In this world you will have trouble . But take heart! I have overcome the world .”
    Reef was right. She’d had trouble, but she continued to believe in God. What she struggled with were the why s. Why hadn’t God stopped William from raping her? Why hadn’t He brought the healing she so desperately desired?
    Looking back, she had to admit she hadn’t prayed about her decision to join William at the party before she acted, before she took that first drink or the second. She certainly hadn’t heeded the voice inside saying he wasn’t right for her, that time spent with William was not beneficial. Boy, how she wished she’d listened. Would it have stopped William from doing what he did? Maybe not, but it would have changed the circumstances it happened under, and that would have made a huge difference in how Tracey viewed her, how others viewed her. Being let down by those she loved and trusted most had nearly brought her to her knees.
    â€œHey.” Reef’s fingers brushed hers—lingering long enough that heat transferred. “You still with me?”
    â€œYeah.” She

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