Dream Magic: Awakenings

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Book: Dream Magic: Awakenings by Dawn Harshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Harshaw
the two dimensions of the plane and exploded with movement in all directions - shattering the awareness that observed them.
    Eric panicked - his own inner thoughts came back as sensations of touch. The gentle waves of water were not only assaulting his bodily form, but also his mind and sense of identity. He felt himself outside himself; it was alien and terrifying. The waves no longer echoed and bounced back when they hit his form - they went right through.
    Where am I?! Who am I?
    The questions echoed back recursively with no answer. Stronger than the panic of having no answer, was the echoing annoyance of having asked the question.
Eric thought.
Clear surface of the lake.
    Eric, whoever that was, started punching waves in the multidimensional fabric to clear out the echo: a wave gets cancelled out by another wave. Action-reaction.
    There was only the undisturbed water and its perfect symmetries.
    * * *
    "Wake up, water child! Or should I say, young elementalist."
    Eric opened his eyes. He was sitting on the sandy beach of the lake, legs crossed and hands resting softly upon his knees. He noticed he was no longer breathing water, but air.
Did I fail?
He felt every touch of the light breeze on his skin, pulling and pushing gently.
    "Can you stand?" Maeve offered her hand to help.
    "I think so." He reached for her hand and pulled himself up. His legs wobbled a little and he kicked out to stretch them, one after the other. There was something tangled on his foot; he reached to pick it up.
My boxers!
Eric was stark naked - and embarrassed. He fumbled to put his shorts back on right away.
    Thankfully, Maeve made no comment.
    "Did I fail? How did I get out the water?"
    "No, you didn't fail." She laughed. "Did you get out of the water, or did the water get out of you? You have withdrawn from each other - how else could we enjoy this beautiful lake?"
    Compared to before, Eric felt like his will waved back and resynced, reverberating from the edges of his form. Or perhaps he was just more secure in his identity with his boxer shorts back on.
    It was a long day...
    Absent-mindedly, Eric reached for a flat stone and threw it horizontally towards the lake. It skipped about a dozen times before it submerged.


Chapter 8 - Ritual Magic
    Repetition might not be the mother of learning, but it is the mother of conditioning!
    - Spells and Wizardry, Dreamer's Handbook
    "Rose, right? I remember you. If you ever visit the Outpost, I'll make sure to find you a mentor in negotiation and diplomacy."
    Before Mr. Smith arrived, the three of them were lounging in the benevolent shade of a big tree. Eric felt rested - really rested, as if he slept through a week straight. Through the attunements, he caught a glimpse of the many things going on inside him; he gained confidence and hope for the future ahead. Lucy and Rose seemed to share his contemplative disposition.
Did the girls grow a finger-width taller, or is my memory messing with me?
    "Joe asked me to run you through the basics of ritual magic. It should do you good, especially in light of your recent experiences." Mr. Smith wiped a low-hanging branch out of his face. "Ritual magic makes it easier to channel the elemental energies into their proper places and keep your consciousness finely honed. I have time now, but we could also schedule a class for a later time. Which do you prefer?"
    Eric didn't know what ritual magic was, but he enjoyed Mr. Smith's nightmare examination class. Mr. Smith was wearing the same tie-less suit, and even the collar of his shirt was tightly buttoned.
Won't he choke?
As an assurance, Eric ran his fingers through the neckline of his own t-shirt. He noticed Rose and Lucy looking at him, waiting for him to say the decision out loud.
    "Sure," Eric said. "We can do it now."
    They began to stand up, but Mr. Smith gestured for them to stay and sat down next to them. He cracked his fingers.
    "If you ask focus item users, they'll

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