Sondrae Bennett - Alpine Woods Shifters 4

Free Sondrae Bennett - Alpine Woods Shifters 4 by Worth Fighting For

Book: Sondrae Bennett - Alpine Woods Shifters 4 by Worth Fighting For Read Free Book Online
Authors: Worth Fighting For
    What he really wanted to do was wrap an arm around her and cuddle her closer. Panic bubbled to the surface at the thought, and his hand moved closer to her shoulder, intending to shake her awake, but something stopped him before he made contact.
    She’d looked so tired when she opened the door tonight. She’d mentioned her day had gone downhill since seeing him this afternoon, but hadn’t gone into any details. Some rest would do her good. And if she was more comfortable using his shoulder for a pillow, who was he to push her away? They were friends, after all, and friends were meant to be leaned on when the other needed support. How did that Bill Withers song go? Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend. Reaching for the remote, Cody turned down the volume so it wouldn’t disturb her.
    She shifted against him. Her forehead nuzzled his throat, fitting perfectly between his shoulder and chin. Her skin was so soft, he couldn’t resist running a finger down her cheek.
    A sigh slipped past her lips, and he gritted his teeth. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to not lean in and take those lips with his.
    He turned back to the movie, but it no longer held his interest. It wasn’t as good as he remembered. Years ago, when he’d first seen it, the fight between Rocky and Ivandrago had seemed…epic. He supposed he’d seen too much in the last few years to find the boxing match as exciting as it had once been. But Misty had been sweet enough to rent it, even though he knew she’d rather have seen something else. Whenever she chose a movie for them to watch, she always took his preferences into account. Usually she chose a zombie movie or a comedy, since they both enjoyed those. But every now and then, she’d slip in an action flick for him. Yet, never did she make him sit through a chick flick for her.
    He frowned at the realization. She was always doing things for him and all she asked for in return was time. Even her self-defense lessons had been his idea. If he hadn’t suggested–no, demanded–them, she would never have asked.
    Looking down at the woman in his arms, he tried to analyze his rioting emotions. While she slept, he could study her without ruining their friendship. Indulge in the overwhelming desire to touch her. Whenever she was around, he thrust his hands in his pockets to keep from grabbing her.
    He didn’t understand why his feelings had changed, but somewhere along the road, they had. Misty was no longer one of the guys. All of a sudden, he saw her as a woman. A tempting one.
    Guided by instinct, he leaned down and brushed his lips against her forehead. The skin was silky smooth against his lips. He closed his eyes and, for a moment, let his imagination run wild. Brushing his lips against her skin once again, Cody fantasized about kissing her everywhere. The images running rampant through his head had him half-hard in arousal. He couldn’t resist repeating the caress, but as he did, he heard her breath catch on a moan.
    Unsure whether the throaty sound was reality or part of his fantasy, Cody opened his eyes and raised his head to look down at her. With dread, he stared into wide-open hazel eyes. She sat up, turned toward him, and reached for him. He stood in a rush even as she leaned into him. The abrupt movement didn’t give her a chance to brace herself and she fell face down on the couch cushions. It should have been comical, but the laughter he pushed down was borne of panic, not humor. He needed to get out of there. Now.
    “I have to go.” He rushed toward the door, ignoring her as she called out behind him. It wasn’t until he got into his car and drove off that he realized she must have seen his erection. And wasn’t that just peachy?
    After he got home, he would have to rub one out in the shower. And, even though he knew deep down it was a lie, he told himself he would not be envisioning Misty as he did it. Lately, she had starred in all his

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