
Free Seven by Claire Kent

Book: Seven by Claire Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Kent
from their earlier lovemaking, but Owen didn’t seem to notice or to
mind. He nudged her open and gave her one long stroke with his tongue, causing
her to sigh in pleasure.
    Then he used his lips and tongue to
tease and stimulate—alternating between her entrance and her clit and
occasionally making detours into the surrounding areas—until Amy was gasping
and grinding her pelvis into his face.
    She held his head firmly in place. The
coiling pressure of an approaching orgasm was gathering slowly, despite all the
times she’d already come. “You know this doesn’t count. It’s a freebie.”
    He chuckled, making her groan as the
vibrations shook her and traveled in shudders up her spine. He shifted a hand
so he could sink a finger into her wet pussy.
    She arched dramatically on the bed,
clutching at his head and pushing it harder into her now throbbing arousal.
“Fuck, Owen,” she gasped. “How are you doing this?”
    It seemed like she should get to the
point where her body would stop responding to him.
    Another finger had joined the first,
and he was pumping them quickly in and out, matching the rhythm his tongue had
established as it fluttered over her clit. One of her legs jerked up suddenly
and hooked itself over his shoulder. She couldn’t help but clench her thighs
together, squeezing his head in between them.
    He made a strangled sound and used
his free hand and his opposite shoulder to force her legs apart. Then he closed
his lips around her clit and started to suck hard—in retaliation, she supposed.
    She cried out, as jolts of sensation overwhelmed
her. Her arms flew up to grab at the headboard, and she clung to it desperately
as her body started to quake.
    He was giving her such pleasure,
playing her body like an instrument. And he was Owen—the man who was so much
more to her than the pleasure he could give her.
    She felt his teeth chafe very gently
against her hot flesh. “Owen,” she choked out. “God, Owen, I…”
    She was so close. So close to coming.
So close to speaking the words that had always been so unspeakable.
    She loved him. Loved him.
There was no way to deny it was true. And now she desperately wanted to say it
out loud.
    Swallowed over the words as her
climax started to crest because—pleasure or not—her feelings just weren’t
    He hummed against her pulsing flesh.
The hum sounded almost like a question.
    She pressed her lips tightly together
and released an urgent, helpless moan in lieu of the words she couldn’t say.
Thrashed beneath his mouth and fingers, frantically trying to reach another
    Then the stimulation was gone. Owen
had lifted his head, his body. Removed his fingers from her pussy. Was kneeling
over her, naked and gorgeous.
    For a moment, she wasn’t sure if she
would scream or cry. She’d been so close. So close to everything. And he had
stopped again, working her back up to the anguished frustration she’d
experienced before.
    Her eyes darted down his body and saw
why he’d stopped. He still had a challenge to fulfill, after all.
    And now his cock was once more very
much in play.
    “Damn it, Owen,” she snarled, trying
to think clearly enough to decide what her strategy should be. No matter how
much she loved him and wanted to be loved in return, she wasn’t going to let
him win so easily. “You have no idea how much I hate you.”
    He raised his eyebrows. Gave his
hard, bobbing cock a few quick tugs.
    Didn’t appear to believe her.

    Amy should really be
more upset that Owen was so close to winning this game.
    It was the principle of the thing,
after all. He was far too arrogant and presumptuous for his own good—actually
thought he was invincible. And Amy had always believed it was her job to take
the smug bastard down a notch or two.
    Plus, she really hated losing. Owen
had already produced five orgasms out of the seven required.
    And he still had thirty-five minutes
    All of this meant that Amy couldn’t
just let Owen

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