Never Ending

Free Never Ending by Kailin Gow

Book: Never Ending by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
a revenge attack – this was sabotage , pure and
simple. There was no way that Steve could drum with a broken hand.
              And we had
another gig in just two days.
              My heart sank – all our hearts sank – as the reality of the situation sank in along with it. We
had two days to find a new drummer.
Steve? How could we replace Steve? We'd only just gotten the band back together
– and now one of us would have to sit things out for weeks, maybe even months?
It seemed ridiculous – absurd, even.
              How could we even
think of replacing Steve?
              “I know what
you're thinking...” Steve's voice was lower, now; calmer, now. “I just want you
to know, Neve...I'm okay with whatever you have to do.” His voice was shaking,
like he was trying not to cry. “The band comes first. And I'll get better – I
know I will. This is just temporary...”
              “No, Steve!” Kyle
was always so kind, so warm. “Nobody's talking about replacing you. We'll go to
the doctor, see what he can do, get you stitched up as good as new...” Just
like Kyle I thought – trying to fix things, trying to make everything better
all by himself...trying to fix things for the rest of us.
              “Don't be silly,
Kyle,” Steve said, his voice low and raspy. “I know what's happened. My hand is
broken. There's no way to fix that that quickly.” He swallowed hard. “Do what
you have to do, Neve. Replace me – as fast as you can. At least until I'm
better.” His eyes were shining with tears. “I shouldn't have been so stupid,
knowing the Dusk Riders were still out for our blood...”
              “You weren't
stupid,” I murmured.
              The paramedics
came soon enough, wheeling Steve off to the hospital. “You stay here,” he
insisted. “I'll have my mom and dad meet me at the hospital. You have band
stuff to worry about now....”
              But we couldn't
talk about the band right now. Instead we sat in still, shocked silence. All of
us, that is, except Danny.
              “Can he do it?”
Danny's voice, brusque and business-like, broke the quiet of the moment. He was
on the phone, pacing back and forth in large strides across the suite. “By
tomorrow – fly him out, whatever airline, don't care. First thing. Yes? Yes.”
              I'd never seen
Danny like this. This wasn't Danny the rocker. This was Daniel Blue, CEO, heir
to Blues Enterprises and all that went with it.
              “Neve?” Danny's
voice had grown a little softer. “Can I talk to you outside for a second?”
              “Sure...” I
watched Kyle and Luc's eyes narrow as I followed Danny out onto the terrace.
“What's going on?”
              Danny took a deep
breath. “Right,” he said, simply. “Novels for Angels. 90's indie band. You know
              “Yeah?” I said.
“Heard of them, why?”
              “Their drummer. 
              “Yes – what about
              “He'll be on the
five o'clock plane from New York.”
              “What?” My mouth
dropped open. “How?”
              “Slayton,” said
Danny. “He'd mentioned them before. Novels for Angels broke up after the lead
singer had an affair with the bassist. Not great for their guitarist – what
with being her husband at all. Not great for their drummer, either...Slayton
mentioned he was looking for a gig.”
              I  looked at him
in shock. I didn't deny that we needed a replacement for Steve – soon?
              He saw my
stricken face.
              “Would you mind
announcing it to the rest of them, though, Neve?” This Danny wasn't
business-like at all, but rather retiring, even shy.
              “Why me?”
              “This is your
band, Neve, not

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