Luring Levi (Tarnished Saints Series Book 2)

Free Luring Levi (Tarnished Saints Series Book 2) by Elizabeth Rose

Book: Luring Levi (Tarnished Saints Series Book 2) by Elizabeth Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Rose
with her legs, not letting him go and they made love in the shower until they both had reached their heights. She squeezed her eyes shut and held back the cries of pleasure that threatened to spill forth from her lips. She had just slipped down his body and put her feet on the ground, trying to be as quiet as possible, when a small knock came at the door.
    “Mother, are you in there?” came Valentine’s voice. They both froze and just looked at each other.
    “Yes, honey, go back to bed, I’ll be right out,” she called.
    “But I want to know who won the key,” she said.
    “You both did,” she answered, hurriedly getting out of the shower and running a towel over her. “The key is on the table, so take it back to bed and share it with your brother.” She pulled on her clothes and looked over to Levi. “Don’t come out until she goes back to bed,” she whispered.
    “Mother, why are Levi’s clothes lying on the kitchen floor?”
    “Damn,” she heard him say, seeing him washing quickly.
    “I’ll take her into the bedroom, and you get out of here as fast as possible,” she told him, reaching over and giving him a peck on the cheek.
    She felt like a teenager again getting caught doing something she shouldn’t be doing. There was something else she knew she was doing that she shouldn’t, and that was keeping the fact from him that these were his kids. She’d meant to tell him, but things just kind of went in a whole different direction.
    Maybe tomorrow, she thought, knowing each day she waited made it harder to tell him. And she also knew that once the secret was out, things between them might change dramatically – and that was something she wasn’t willing to risk.
    Right now, she wanted to cherish what just happened and not think of anything else. But she knew what she had to do before anything. She needed to figure out a way to bring the Sliced show to Sweet Water and help not only Levi but the whole town. She decided she’d put a call in to her executive producer first thing in the morning.

    Chapter 7
    Levi woke once again to knocking on the door to the room he occupied over Kramer’s Gas Station and garage. He rolled off the dusty old mattress and onto the floor, sidestepping some old books and an overturned box of rusty mouse traps as he made his way to the door.
    He fell asleep last night before his head even hit the pillow. His body ached from all the kids pig piling him and he felt the soreness of good sex – something he hadn’t felt in quite awhile.
    “What do you want Gus?” Levi opened the door, but instead of Gus standing there, he saw his nephew, Daniel.
    “Hi , Uncle Levi. I’m done with work for the day and I wanted to know if you wanted help cleaning out this room?”
    Levi rubbed a hand over his face and let out a sigh. “Gus sent you up here to ask me that, didn’t he?”
    T he boy looked over his shoulder and then back at Levi and nodded. “Yeah,” he admitted. “He told me if you didn’t have this cleaned out by the end of the week as well as start the painting, he was going to kick you out of here on your ass.”
    “That sounds like Gus,” he said, yawning and stretching. “You don’t happen to know what time it is, do you?”
    “Well, I work from eight til noon every day, and I just finished, so it’s right around noon.”
    “What?” he asked, his eyes opening wide. “Oh great! I was supposed to meet with the town council for lunch and a meeting at the diner at noon. I was supposed to pick up Candy on the way. I’m late again.”
    “If you mean Candace,” said Dan, “she left early this morning and said she wasn’t going to be back for a while. She’s got Angel watching her kids.”
    “Left? What do you mean left? How could she go anywhere? She doesn’t have a car – I’m her wheels.”
    “I don’t know, but she was getting in the truck with Pa. She told me to tell you not to bother coming by today.”
    “What the hell does that

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