ARC: The Seers

Free ARC: The Seers by Julianna Scott

Book: ARC: The Seers by Julianna Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julianna Scott
Tags: isbn:9781908844477
I’d ever felt from him before. His right hand slid up into my hair and gently but firmly held my mouth to his, while his left dropped to my waist and pulled me tightly against him. His fervor poured over me like boiling water over ice, melting me down to my core. I had no idea what had come over him, but whatever it was, it was hot, it was intense, and if he wasn’t careful, it was going to bring me to my knees.
    But what hit me the hardest wasn’t his sudden hunger or intensity, but the hint of something deeper, driving like an undercurrent beneath his passion. It was something I’d never seen from him before, but unmistakable all the same.
    Alex had never been a dominant or outspoken person in general, but conscious or not, something in him was definitely sending a message: “ She is mine .” It may have only been implied, but it was definitely there, and the very idea sent a tingling shiver across my skin as I gripped the lapels of his jacket with a throaty sigh. The message was raw, it was primal, and above all else, it was true: I was his. And he was mine. The fact that we had to hide it around these people didn’t make it any less valid. We belonged to one another.
    A few short seconds later he pulled back with a husky breath, resting his forehead against mine for a moment before releasing me and stepping back slowly, his eyes glowing. He hadn’t said a word – he hadn’t needed to. I smiled, hoping he saw the “ I love you ” in my eyes. His answering smile told me he did.
    When we heard Cormac’s voice come echoing up the hall, we both looked away, doing our best to resume our façade of casual acquaintance. It took some effort, but by the time Cormac and Jocelyn came around the corner a moment later, I was perfectly cool and collected.
    On the outside anyway.
    “My goodness, Becca,” Cormac said, coming up and taking my hand in his. “Aren’t you the sight of an angel!”
    “Thank you,” I smiled, seeing that he too had an array of pins and small medals decorating his tuxedo jacket.
    “Yes,” he winked. “It’s a miracle I can still walk under all these silly baubles, is it not?”
    “You look very handsome,” I grinned.
    “Are we ready then?” Jocelyn asked.
    With a collective nod, we all turned toward the hall as excitement once again tickled my neck. I stepped up next to Jocelyn who tentatively offered me his arm, which I took, and together we walked out into the hall and began heading toward the distant echo of festivities, with Cormac and Alex following just behind.

    When we arrived at the upstairs gallery where the gala was being held, we stood in the receiving line outside the door, and waited to… be received, I guess. I could see Alva up at the front of the line, smiling and greeting each person or small group as they approached, every bit the charming, elegant hostess.
    I stood in line quietly, feigning a fascination with the artwork and the architecture while once again trying to pretend that everyone wasn’t staring at us or gesturing our way. At least this time I felt up to par in the wardrobe department, but unfortunately my attire didn’t do much to help the uncomfortable itch their eyes sent crawling up and down my back.
    “I am never going to get used to this,” I whispered as the line took a few small steps forward.
    “To what?” Jocelyn asked under his breath.
    “The staring, the whispering, and pointing… take your pick.” We took another step forward. “How does this not drive you crazy?”
    He glanced down, his eyebrow raised. “Who said it doesn’t?”
    I paused a moment, surprised. “It does?”
    “Of course.”
    “Then how are you always able to look so comfortable?”
    I sighed. “So there’s no trick?”
    “Afraid not.” We took another step forward. “But don’t worry, they will lose interest after a while.”
    “We can hope,” I added.
    “Yes,” he grinned, “in the meantime,

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