The Journey's End
tighter.  "There is nothing you could do or
say that would change the way I want you."
    "Years ago, some enterprising pirates thought it would
be a great thing to procure Shakien while they are young and train them up like
pets, for protection and…other things."
    "I was sold by my pride.  I was a runt, you see.  Too
small to live.  Worthless and fated to die young anyway, so selling me to the
traders was like getting something for nothing."
    "How old were you?"
    "Six,"  she said with some bitterness. 
"Really, it was a wonder I survived six whole cycles.  It was…harsh." 
She unconsciously pressed herself in closer to his chest.  "But the
pirates… they were worse.  Shakien have a reputation for withstanding torture
and healing any injury.  They wanted to test that before I matured enough to be
a danger; they were creative.  I lasted two years in captivity before my body
forced the change.  When I awoke from the blood haze, I was the only one not in
    "You can't be blamed for acting out against years of
torture and fear."
    "Maybe, but the only reason no innocents were killed
was that there was no one else there.  I can understand why people fear us.  I
fear me for the same reason.  No one is really safe."
    "Yet you travel with Lara and call her sister.  You
speak of your adoptive father Tryne like they are family."
    "Lara is more a danger to herself right now than I am. 
She needs me until she understands the danger she courts.  Besides, Hetians are
different.  The people as a whole are tranquil, for want of a better word. 
Peaceful, not weak, just slow to anger.  They are ambassadors for many worlds. 
I am…soothed by them."
    "But you are not yourself with them."
    That made her angry.  "Haven't you been listening?  I
am the me I want to be with them.  Not a raging freak."
    He maneuvered her until he had her face between two hands
and she had no choice but to see how much he meant what he was going to say.  "You
are beautiful.  Everything about you is spectacular.  You are not a freak or a
monster and nothing you could say or do would stop me from wanting what I hold
in my hands at this moment."
    She felt the tears building and swore to herself they were
tears of frustration.  "You haven't heard anything I said."
    "I heard everything you said.  I am awed by your
courage and proud to call you mine."
    He meant it, she could see he did and it brought the tears
flooding from her eyes.  "You don't understand.  I can't contain my beast
here.  I have zero control around you and eventually this gilded cage you want
to put me in will become intolerable and flip that final switch. People you
care about will die."
    He kissed the tears from her cheek. "You aren't eight
years old anymore.  I have faith in you, even if you don't."
    She slapped his chest.  "You are a stubborn fool."
    "Perhaps," he said smiling through her anger. 
"But not such a fool as to let you go, life mate."  He kissed her
angry mouth until she finally gave in with a groan and kissed him back.
    "No," he murmured against her sweet lips. 
"Not such a fool as that."  Then he was taking her mouth with tongue
and heat. 
    One hand took possession of a breast, tweaking her nipple
while the other palmed the curve of her ass.  His hand trailed down until she
opened for him.  Her legs falling to either side of his hips while he shifted
her until he was pressed against the core of her.  Then he flipped her under
him and held her so they were eye to eye when he thrust inside.  Her head fell
back against the bed, her eyes closing, but he bit her bottom lip until she
looked at him again. 
    "There's nowhere you could go that I wouldn’t find
    She leaned up until he could feel each word against his
lips.  "When I really decide to go, you don't have a chance in hell of
stopping me."  This time she took what she wanted, kissing him with wanton
fire, then flipping him back over so that she rode him, his hands

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