The Journey's End
giving her a
sexy grin.  He reached for her hand, but Nori sprang back out of reach in a
smooth show of speed that managed to not jostle her food. She growled a warning
when he would have pressed the issue. 
    “I am sorry,”  Menelaus said, reaching for his wife and
pulling her up against his side, “I should have warned you.  She does not like to
be touched by anyone but me.”
    “I see,” he said, losing his smile, then regaining it,
though it did not reach his arctic eyes.  “Perhaps when we get to know each
other better.”  He reached for her hair, but she swatted his hand away even
before Menelaus could react, which from the hard look on his face, he was more
than willing to do.  Instead, it was Nori who spoke, her voice a low warning.
    “Try to touch me again and I’ll rip out your liver and stuff
it up your ass.”
    Lord Dunstan froze, Menelaus blinked, humor replacing his
anger and the quiet around them was broken by a few snickers that quickly
turned to coughs.
    “I believe that’s a no, Lord Dunstan,”  Menelaus said with a
straight face. “If you will excuse us, I have a need to spend some quality time
with my queen.  You may of course enjoy the celebration before you depart.  No
doubt you would like to get to Margeaux as quickly as possible to finalize your
    Lord Dunstan had no choice but to bow as the king pulled his
queen away.  But from the look in his eyes, he was not done with either of
them.  He turned and stormed out of the room, his men following close behind.
    Nori was shaking her head.  “Doesn’t anybody like you?”
    Menelaus smiled, his thumb rubbing a soft caress over her
hand.  “There are twelve kingdoms, you have met the nobles of three.  The rest
are all loyal to me and as such I did not want them leaving their lands with
Dunstan and the others crossing borders left and right, there will be time
enough for you to meet my trusted.”
    “Uh-huh.  But I won’t be here that long.”
    He just smiled, and kept walking, and Nori let him,
confident that it would not take her long to suss out the situation here and
make her escape.

Chapter 6
    It took Nori nearly two weeks to learn what she needed to
know to form a plan of escape.  She knew it was imperative she make her escape
on market day, which was the only day that caravans of soldiers and traders
went to the bridge.  Unfortunately, it was also the day the bridge would have
the most coverage.  She already knew trying to escape when the bridge was
closed wouldn't work.  She would just end up back in a tech prison until
Menelaus figured some way to collect her. 
    She would make her run on that day and take her chances on
getting lost in the larger crowd.  Stowing away would be her best bet.  She had
already realized the easiest plan was to secure herself on the top side of the
carriage and ride the whole way as a secret passenger. 
    Maybe I can find a bow to wear too, so when Menelaus has
the vehicles searched, I can jump out and yell "Happy Birthday!"
    Whatever else he was, Menelaus was no fool.  The easiest way
was not going to cut it.  It would have to be over land on foot and she was
going to have to be tricky.
    And it would be soon.  With each day that passed, the bond
between them strengthened until she felt sometimes that she was drowning in
it.  She had long since given up trying to keep her body her own.  He was fast
taking even the slightest give on her part and searching out more.  Already
they could pick up random thoughts from each other when he was in the same
room.  How long before every thought in her head was his to sift through?  That
would certainly put a crimp in any escape plans. 
    So it would be tomorrow.  She had squirreled away food and
traveling clothes, weapons and a map that she had found in the great library. 
Now all she had to do was disappear.  If she had any hope of hiding from the
mate bond, she had to go before it got any stronger.
    He came in sweaty

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