Extremely Famous

Free Extremely Famous by Heather Leigh

Book: Extremely Famous by Heather Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Leigh
fear in his eyes and suddenly I feel very selfish for insisting on coming tonight. He truly is in extreme distress worrying about my safety. He thinks he’s hiding it, but I know him so well that I can see it as plain as day.
    Drew releases my hand and steps out, turning to help me exit gracefully. I take a deep breath and put my left hand in his, letting him feel my ring in the hopes that it will calm him down some ., smooth down my black Grecian gown and look up.
    It’s like looking directly at the sun. There are so many flashes that I have no idea where to go first. Drew starts to walk, following Steve’s lead. He leans down to speak to me, barely audible over the roar of the crowd, all eager to see the couple that can’t seem to stay out of the tabloids. With us here, a potential confrontation with Adam, and a public reunion with my Dad tonight- it’s a feeding frenzy for the paparazzi.
    “Stay close to me, don’t let go of my hand for anything. ” I nod and smile for the dozens upon dozens of cameras pointed at us. Drew tightens his grip on my hand and we somehow find our way to the ET reporter on the side of the red carpet.
    The lovely dark-haired reporter beams as we step up to the marked spot and smile for her.
    “Hi,” she says to us. Then to the camera, “We’re at the world premiere for Reid Tannen’s new action film, Anti-Hero , and have Andrew Forrester and Sydney Tannen with us tonight.” She turns back to us and starts her interview. “You both look stunning tonight…”
    Drew fiddles with my ring as I answer her questions, one after the other; who made my dress, is there increased security here because of th e death threat, have I seen my dad recently?
    She turns to Drew every once in a while and asks him a qu estion. Has he met my father before, does he admire his films, she even asks about Drew’s hit A Soldier’s Burden . She’s professional and charming and I decide that I like her a lot.
    I know the exact moment that my dad arrives because the low roar of the crowd becomes deafening. Steve ushers us back to the center of the red carpet to join my dad as he adjusts his jacket.
    “Hi baby,” Daddy says, giving me a peck on the cheek. The paparazzi go nuts when they see us together. Ignoring them, he shakes hands with Drew, forcing him to drop my hand for a minute. Drew reaches back and takes it as quickly as he can, afraid to lose me in the crowd.
    The three of us make our way up the line of r eporters, stopping whenever my dad is told to give an interview. It takes forever. Drew spends the entire time scanning the huge crowd and messing with my diamond. I would think it would make me nuts that he won’t leave it alone, but knowing he’s touching it seems to make me feel better. Like we’re sharing something that belongs to us and no one else.
    After what feels like an eternity, we hit the step-and-repeat and I’m blinded again by the sheer number of flashes, my cheeks in pain from smiling so much.
    We finally make it inside the lobby, packed with party-goers and staff. Drew relaxes some, but not completely. The lobby is where I was attacked at his premiere, so he’s not going to unclench until we’re home.
    “I’m glad you both made it,” Daddy says. “I was afraid you’d let those threats keep you home.”
    “Actually, I wanted to stay home,” Drew says gruffly. “I don’t think it’s wise to be out with the threat hanging over our heads, especially in light of what happened last time.” His face is shadowed by stress, making him seem older.
    “Drew,” I warn, not wanting him to make Daddy feel bad.
    “I wouldn’t have blamed you,” my dad tells us. “You have to do what you feel is necessary.”
    “Well, I feel it’s necessary to live my life my way. Not according to the whims of crazy people,” I say stubbornly.
    “There she is,” my dad says proudly. “My Heartbreaker, always throwing caution to the wind.” He turns to Drew smiling. “She’s been like

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