A Workplace Affair

Free A Workplace Affair by Isabella Rae

Book: A Workplace Affair by Isabella Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabella Rae
that.” We take our purchases up to the counter and pay before walking next door to have lunch. I wait until after we order to tell Sage the other news.
    “Oh Sage, I do have some bad news.” I know it’s not nice, but I have to.  “You have three weeks to bake two thousand cupcakes.” As expected, her jaw drops.
    “Seriously?” She signals for the waiter to come by and orders a glass of wine.
    “Yes Sage, I’m serious, how much would you charge for that?” She grabs a pen from her purse and starts to scribble on her napkin, after about two minutes she looks up at me wide eyed.
    “Is five thousand too much?” I look at her calculations and see that she’s under estimated.
    “Six thousand it is!” Looks like I have an expense report to fill out tomorrow. We enjoy our lunch and discuss design ideas, deciding to set the cupcakes up to create one big company logo.  After lunch we head to meet a friend of Carter’s who is a fashion designer. We end up in Vining’s at her studio apartment, her name is Piper and by the time we get there she’s already started sketching some designs for us. Apparently Carter has already sent her some pictures of the two of us for inspiration. Her loft if full of mannequins dressed in beautiful designs that have been hand sewn by Piper. She stands us one at a time, on a platform and takes some measurements. Once she has those written down she shows us the sketches, there is one design for each of us and she’s nailed it. We spend a little time playing dress up in Pipers designs before we look at fabric choices for our dresses. Paying a deposit, we make plans to come back in three weeks, the day of the party, to pick them up. Dropping Sage off at the bakery, I head back to the hotel to leave some cupcakes as a surprise for Leland.

Chapter 20
    I feel empty standing in my suite alone. Looking around, I cannot wait until Victoria gets here. As I light each candle, I begin to wonder how she will react. It occurs to me that I don’t really know her all that well, and she might not be as excited as me when she gets here. Standing back I enjoy the scent, her scent, in the air. I can’t believe I actually miss her. I’ve only known her two days and she’s been gone for nine hours, but I miss her. What the hell is wrong with me?
    Heading out to the balcony, I set the table up in the perfect spot, a woman as beautiful as Victoria deserves a beautiful view. Just as I finish I hear the elevator arrive and look out at the skyline. I can hear her as she comes out onto the terrace.
    “How was your day?” I keep my back to her, and try to hide the nerves I am beginning to feel.
    “Great, how about yours?”  She walks over and stands beside me, having her so close, I feel more complete.
    “Better now.” I smile down at her and put an arm around her shoulders, resisting the urge to hold on forever, “Hungry?”

Chapter 21
    Walking into the suite I get a surprise myself, the room is covered with the soft glow of hundreds of candles. I can see Leland out on the balcony enjoying a drink, he had to have heard the elevator, but he doesn’t move. Setting the cupcakes on the bar, I join him outside. Out on the balcony there are more candles and a table set up with dinner for two.
    “How was your day?” He keeps his back to me, and he seems lost in thought.
    “Great, how about yours?” I walk over a join him, enjoying the view.
    “Better now.” He smiles down at me and slides an arm around my shoulder. “Hungry?”
    “Starving, what’s for dinner?” We walk together to the table, pulling my chair out, he gives me the seat with the best view. As I look out I enjoy seeing the Atlanta skyline as the sun starts to dip below the horizon casting a pink glow across the sky.
    “I have no idea, I just told Connor to fix something good. I told him it’s his audition to cater the party.” He takes his seat across from me and lifts the dome on his plate and laughs. “It’s a

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