Fleur De Lies
Lutheran. It was too bad Lutherans and Catholics couldn’t find common ground that would allow them to celebrate their similarities rather than their differences, because other than the nagging issue of the Pope, I really wasn’t sure what separated the two. Well, other than five hundred years of bloody religious strife and dissention.
    “And furthermore,” Jackie ranted on, “if the three of you hadn’t hogged all the females in the host family, no one would have asked me to snap photos for a religious publication that’s read by no one other than a handful of saintly octogenarians with pre-dementia and degenerative eye disease!”
    Dawna’s lips twitched with amusement. “I hate to tell ya, darlin’, but whinin’ is really unbecomin’ to a lady. Idn’t that right, girls?”
    If this was the blondes’ idea of “singing Jackie’s praises” to Victor, Jackie might have to rethink the whole sister thing.
    Victor sighed. “Could we set the drama aside for the moment, ladies? I’ve come to a decision that I’d like to share with you.”
    The girls exchanged breathless looks with each other, but it was apparent from their expressions that they didn’t know if they were going to be on the receiving end of a compliment or a reprimand.
    “I’m very impressed with the initiative you showed today, no matter whose idea it was originally, so as a token of my appreciation, I’m going to add a small bonus to the perks we’ve already provided you. Shall we say, a cash award?”
    Virginia whipped her head around, her eyes skewering him. “Exactly what do you think you’re up to?”
    “I’m being spontaneous.”
    “No, what you’re being is ridiculous. The board hasn’t authorized you to hand out cash awards at your own whim.”
    “They don’t need to. I brought my checkbook.”
    “Excuse me?” An angry vein popped out on her forehead. “You’re making plans to write out checks to your prima donnas from our personal account?”
    “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m planning to do.”
    “I absolutely forbid it.”
    “It’s going to happen, my pet, so I advise you to spare me the histrionics. Excellence should be rewarded, and I happen to be in a position where I can reward it as much as I like.”
    “Not with my money, you can’t.”
    He fixed her with the same look dragons sport before they incinerate fairytale villages. “ Whose money?”
    Her bravado cracked beneath his gaze, causing her to shrink like a genie being sucked back into her bottle. Lips compressed in an angry slash, chest heaving, she jutted her chin in the air and snapped her head away from him.
    “Now, what was I saying?” He grinned, looking immensely proud of himself. “Ah, yes. Does twenty-five thousand dollars sound like a fair amount, ladies?”
    Shrieks. Squeals. Hands clapping.
    “This is absurd,” sniped Virginia. Rising to her feet, she crumpled her napkin into a ball and threw it on the table. “I’m leaving.” As Patrice scrambled to pull her chair out, she delivered her parting shot to her husband’s face. “I hope it fills you with great pleasure to know you ruin everything you touch, Victor.”
    “Shall I have a tray delivered to your cabin, madame?” Patrice called after her.
    “No! I’ve lost my appetite.”
    “Pay no attention to Virginia,” Victor soothed in an amused tone. “I don’t.”
    “Can you get back to the part about the money?” urged Krystal. “Are you givin’ out twenty-five thousand dollars apiece?”
    Victor shook his head. “I plan to make out only one check.”
    “ Aww .” Bobbi shot him a hangdog look. “You’re gonna make us share?”
    “Not at all. The check will go to only one of you.”
    “Which one?” coaxed Dawna.
    “I want to be fair, so I’m not going to rely on partiality or guesswork. The four of you have the highest sales of our entire workforce, but only one of you is at the top of the sales ladder. I’ll be presenting the check to that

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