French Quarter

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Book: French Quarter by Lacey Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Alexander
“They could see you moving in and out of me that way. They began to throw beads up onto the float in praise. And when I looked out at them, they were all beginning to undress and touch themselves, or each other, while they watched you fucking me.” She bit her lip, remembering the fantasy, sinking deeper into it. “And you were fucking me so hard, so good. It made me crazy. I was screaming with each stroke.”
    “Go on.” He wasn’t smiling anymore, just looking aroused.
    “Well, by the time you came, everyone was coming. People in the crowd were moaning along with us. And you were reaching around underneath me, rubbing me…you know, there.”
    “There,” he repeated, gently teasing her. Somehow, those intimate words came easier in her mind than from her throat, she discovered.
    She grinned in reply. “Yes, there. And your hand, plus your orgasm, plus watching all the spectators come, made me come, too, really long and hard and satisfying, like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
    The fire in his eyes simmered to a smoldering heat, something quiet but ever so scorching. “ Merde ,” he breathed.
    She flashed a vixen’s smile. “So, what’s your biggest fantasy?”
    He grinned. “I already told you. Meetin’ a hot, sexy petite fille like you.”
    She laughed. “You’ve totally corrupted me.”
    His eyes narrowed playfully. “You love it.”
    “Yes,” she agreed. “I do.”
    He shook his head lightly and took a sip of his drink. “Darlin’, no one would ever guess that under that prim, pretty business suit—”
    “There’s a garter belt and lace?”
    He lifted his eyebrows in question, and in reply, she crossed her legs to one side, and slowly eased her skirt up to reveal the top of one stocking.
    “You been wearin’ those all day?”
    She nodded.
    He leaned closer, clearly ready for more sexy banter. “Did they make you feel hot and sexy while you worked?”
    She nodded again.
    “Good.” Then he lowered his chin lightly. “I can’t wait to see everything under that skirt. And I’m so damn glad I’m the man who gets to go on this excitin’ little trip with you.”
    She considered her new sexual journey over a long sip of her drink. “You know, I suppose there were hints of the sexual being inside me all along—I just didn’t recognize them. I mean, I wasn’t a total stick in the mud—I liked sex before this. I’d just never…had the kind of mind-numbing sex I had with you last night. I’d never…done it someplace where people might see. I’d never…talked dirty before.”
    He grinned. “Why don’t you talk dirty to me some more right now? Why don’t you quit callin’ your pretty little pussy ‘ there’ and call it exactly what it is for me.”
    “And rush things?” she asked with a playful smile. “No, baby, I don’t think so. I think, just like last night, I want to stretch things out and make them last. I’ll talk dirty—dirtier than I did last night—when you make me want to.”
    Damn, Jack thought when Liz rose from her chair and sashayed away to the bathroom. He watched the sexy sway of her ass and murmured under his breath, “What a woman.” He still couldn’t quite believe she was real. But he was sure as hell glad he’d done whatever he’d done to help unleash the sexual animal inside her.
    Now, it was all he could do to sit here and finish his dessert. At the moment, he had no interest in food; all of his interest lay in getting her out of that suit so he could see the sexy lingerie she’d worn for him. He wanted to kiss those pretty breasts he’d gotten only a short taste of last night. He wanted to lick her lovely little pussy dry.
    After that, he wanted to fall asleep in her arms, just like he had last night. In a strange way, that had been as good as the rest of what they’d shared—the perfect ending to a perfectly wild evening.
    Fall asleep in her arms? Had he really just allowed himself to want that? He’d gone from pussy-licking to

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