Stone (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1)

Free Stone (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1) by Angel Rose

Book: Stone (The Forbidden Love Series Book 1) by Angel Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angel Rose
if our colleagues were watching, then he opened the door quickly, pushing me inside the room and against the door using the weight of my body to close it shut. He pressed his body hard against mine, reminding me that he had the right to do what he pleased. I could feel every inch of his body nestled into mine. I gasped as he placed his hand around the back of my neck and grabbed me by the hair tightly.
    “What are you doing?” I asked almost exhausted from just looking at him.
    “Just giving you a taste of what’s to come if you accept my offer?”
    “I’ve had a taste of what’s to come Andrew. Blow jobs, orgy’s, borderline slavery. I can’t say that I’m very happy with that.” I said softly, placing my hands against his chest and pushing him away from me gently. He grabbed a fistful of my hair making sure he had a tight grip on it.
    “You little bitch,” He whispered in my ear. “If you want to stay here working at this corporation, getting paid, me paying your rent and feeding those orphaned kids, you’ll give me what I want, when I want…and you will obey me. Do you understand what the fuck I’m telling you?” His eyes met mine and as much as I wanted to kick him in the balls, the moisture between my thighs was undeniable. I hated how vulnerable he made me feel. He smelled so fucking good, like a million dollars and Dolce and Gabana all wrapped up in one. “Do you?” he whispered sliding his tongue tenderly between my lips.
    “I…I’m not ready, Andrew.” My body shook. “I’m…afraid.” His eyes blinked as if he couldn’t believe what I had just said. I was lying, well in a way .
    I’ve never been afraid of anything in my life…except for that day. The day before Stone came home and found me…The day I knew what it felt like to feel helpless and almost violated from HIM.
         Andrew frightened me, like He did. When he’s nice to me…he’s beyond nice…with birds chirping and rainbows filling the sky. He could kiss me and turn me into a hot, sopping, mess in a second. He doesn’t even have to be inside of me to make me orgasm. As a matter of fact, we’ve never made love. He was so experienced sexually. He made my body feel good, but my mind confused. He could force himself on me, but he never did. He could’ve drugged and raped me if he wanted to, but I’ve always woken up safely in his arms.
    He’s a double edged sword, someone you want to believe in, believe that he’s going to change…he can change, and yet, you know the truth…He never will.
    “Yeah…you know.” I glanced down at his tie.
    “From the first day you walked into this office I knew you were meant for me. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll do anything for you.”
    “Why did you choose me, out of all those applicants? Highly qualified applicants for this internship.” He released his grip on my hair.
    “You were special. I knew it.” He smiled at me.
    “What about the kids? What about Stone? What will happen to them if I take you up on your offer?” I whispered.
    “They’re not your kids. We can have kids of our own. Your brother , Stone, can take care of them now. You’re too young and beautiful to have so much responsibility. Let me take care of you. I’ll be everything you want me to be.” His green eyes hypnotized me as his hand slid up my dress and found its way between my thighs. His fingers slowly pushed my lace panties to the side feeling the moisture on my sweet, virgin flesh.
    “I love those kids. Can’t I take them with me?  I promise I’ll do anything you want. They won’t be a burden. Please. ” He stroked me gently, massaging me slowly as he stared into my eyes. I was completely lost in him. He won every time.
    “No, but they can visit and so can Stone.” He whispered. He kissed me tenderly on the lips and for the first time I opened my mouth and let his tongue explore mine. We never made out. His kiss was everything I had

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