The Kyriakis Curse

Free The Kyriakis Curse by Eve Vaughn

Book: The Kyriakis Curse by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
patiently for his friend to finish.
    “That’s about the whole of it. I’m about to cause an even bigger rift between Marco and me, because there’s no way I can be there for the birth of their child when I can’t help but wish it were mine instead.”
    “Don’t you think you’re being a little selfish? This isn’t about you. All you have to do is show up for a couple of hours, say the appropriate words, and then leave. It would mean so much to your brother and his mate. Besides, what’s the point of pining for a woman who doesn’t return your feelings?” Paris hadn’t meant to be so harsh, but he hated to see his friend torture himself.
    Dante’s eyes glowed briefly. “Kind of like you with your Zahara, says the pot to the kettle?”
    This mention of her name was like a shot to Paris’s gut. “Zahara loved me, or at least she could have, had I not been such a fool. And she was mine, if only for a brief time. Can you say the same? I have never lusted after another’s mate.” The second those words left his mouth, Paris knew he’d gone too far. “Dante--”
    The vampire rose, extracting his wallet from his pants. “I believe it’s my turn to pay.”
    He threw a few fifties on the table before turning on his heel.
    “Skata,” Paris muttered as he got up and chased his friend outside. “Dante, wait.” He grabbed the vampire’s shoulder before he could get any further ahead on the street. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. You confided in me, and I repaid your trust with a jackass statement.”
    Under his grip, Paris felt the tension slowly ease from Dante until his friend’s body visibly relaxed. He pivoted to face Paris. “Apology accepted. Dios, I’ve made quite a few jackass comments myself lately, so I can’t hold that against you. Besides, we’ve been friends for too many years. What’s a couple of insults between friends?”
    Paris grinned, smoothing a hand over his tailored Jhane Barnes slacks. “Do you really intend to miss the birth of your brother’s child? I know that kind of thing isn’t as important in the vampire culture as it is with shifters, but I’ve never seen anyone closer to his siblings than you.” He continued more soberly. “Have you thought that perhaps you’re not truly in 42 Eve Vaughn
    love with Maggie? If she were your bloodmate, you would have gone into la morte dolci already, am I not correct?” The condition, similar to blue balls in a human male, created pain that was tenfold in vampires; if not relieved by the person they most desired, la morte dolci caused the affected vampires to go insane and turn rogue.
    Dante inhaled sharply. “Yes, you’re right. So what the hell is wrong with me? Do you think I want to feel this way?” Pure frustration radiated from the other man.
    “I have a theory.”
    “By all means, share, because I’d certainly like to understand what’s been happening to me.”
    “I think you’re so used to taking care of your brothers that when they stopped needing you so much, Maggie happened to fill the void during the night you helped GianMarco get through la morte dolci. It’s quite possible your feelings are confused, because you want to have someone to protect and love, too.”
    Dante’s eyes were unfocused, as though he were examining himself internally.
    “Perhaps, but in the meantime, I’m still stuck with these inconvenient emotions.”
    Paris shrugged. “I suppose we all have our crosses to bear, but this will pass, I am sure.”
    “And you? Are you still pining for Zahara?”
    Paris’s jaw tightened. “Do I make it so obvious?”
    “Not really, but I upset you when I mentioned her earlier. You’re my friend, and just as you have taken time to try to help me, I need to say this. Isn’t it time to lay her ghost to rest?
    It’s been nearly two hundred years without a trace of her.”
    “Don’t you think I know that?” Paris snarled, clenching his fists. “But something has happened in the past few days

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