Waiting for Romeo

Free Waiting for Romeo by Diane Mannino

Book: Waiting for Romeo by Diane Mannino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Mannino
actually just say that out loud?” She spits with sarcasm.
    Seraphina rolls her eyes. “You should know.”
    “Bitch.” Bryn says as we walk away.
    “I just wanted to tell Emilia that I hope there are no hard feelings.” She says to her friends but loud enough for us to hear. I can hear them cackle as we walk away.
    “What the fuck was that about?” Bryn says to me as we move closer to the stage, where Tyler and his band are setting up.
    I shrug. “You are right…she is a bitch. It’s pathetic Logan was with her. I just don’t get what guys see in girls like that.”
    “I can…easy lay. She’s a total slut. Guys usually think with their dicks and when girls like her are throwing themselves at them well, they simply can’t resist them. I think if they actually even tried to resist them, they couldn’t.” She takes a big gulp of her new cocktail of choice: Red Bull and vodka. The Red Bull is already making her hyper. She’s talking so fast I can hardly keep up with her.
    She continues. “Did I ever tell you about this guy I dated in high school?”
    She has, several times, but she’s so caught up in telling her story she ignores me and goes on.
    “He was drop dead gorgeous. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes…could easily pass as Ryan Gosling’s younger brother. His body, well his body was so fucking perfect. He was so ripped…muscles on muscles. The kind you just want to taste. You know when you just want to lick them like they’re made out of ice cream?” She dramatically fans herself and smacks her lips.
    I feel my face redden and take a sip of my drink. Logan’s impressive physique quickly comes to mind and I definitely know what she’s talking about.
    “Sooo…we had been dating slash doing the nasty for over a year. Well, he hooked up with this total slut. Everyone knew she was a slut because she slept with pretty much any guy that looked her way. When we were sophomores she slept with almost every freshmen boy…total virgin stealer.
    The one weekend where I’m sick and can’t go out on a Saturday night and he sleeps with the fucking slut. Can you imagine? I’m home sick as a dog! Of course I didn’t find out right away. He came over the next morning with some chicken noodle soup…no doubt feeling a bit guilty. Well, I found out what happened later that day and you know what I did with that soup?”
    I do know, but Bryn loves this story so I let her continue.
    “I took that soup and spilled the whole container all over his beloved Mustang. And, it wasn’t just a little cup; it was in the largest Tupperware container imaginable. Just to add to the overall effect I threw on pounds and pounds of wet noodles. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get wet noodles off your car!”
    “Paybacks a bitch when your girlfriend is Bryn.” I laugh.
    “Exactly. Of course he felt so bad, we got back together and then the stupid dick did it again…and with the same slut.”
    “The moral of the story is: don’t mess with Bryn.” I joke as I take a sip of my margarita. I’m thankful for her story even if I have heard it about a half a dozen times because it has gotten my mind off Seraphina.
    “Yes, that too. But the real point is that’s how guys are wired.”
    “With the exception of Josh?” I say when I catch his eye as he approaches Bryn from behind.
    “Oh. Please. He’s not immune either!”
    Josh wraps his arms around her waist and nuzzles her ear. “I’m not immune to what, babe? You?”
    “Hm hmm.” She stretches her drink-free hand around his neck and moans. Thank God, I don’t need to share Tyler’s bed again tonight because I know these two are headed for a repeat performance.
    “CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK?” a guy wearing a USB sweatshirt yells over Tyler and his band’s loud music. I nod because I don’t see the harm in a free drink but Bryn quickly interrupts.
    “No. She’s good…she’s got a boyfriend.”
    “I’m just offering her a drink. I’m not asking her to

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