Next Stop Funnel Cake

Free Next Stop Funnel Cake by Heidi Champa

Book: Next Stop Funnel Cake by Heidi Champa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heidi Champa
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
pounds, Douglas Everett Smith spent his school years being teased and verbally abused almost every day. He was spared by no one, except for Jesse Billson, a classmate who treated him like a normal person. Douglas's crush on Jesse kept him going when things got really tough, even though deep down he knew Jesse would never see him as anything other than a charity case.
    After spending years hating himself and feeling miserable, Douglas finally took action. Two years of hard work and the support of a trainer helped him drop one-hundred-fifty pounds. And, his first name. Now, as the new and improved Everett Smith, he's thrilled when Jesse Billson comes back into his life. Even more amazing, his schoolboy crush doesn't even recognize him, but he does start flirting with him. Everett knows he should come clean, but as romantic feelings quickly develop between the men, the fear of losing Jesse makes it harder for Everett to admit the truth about his identity.
    But nothing stays hidden forever. And when the old days collide head-on with the new, Everett wonders whether his improved life will fall flat before it gets fully started? Or can he somehow make his past disappear?

Amber Quill Press, LLC

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